【convoy】M21H bezel available now

Hi Simon, Are you going to sell 5000k 519a emitters?

In my opinion normal consumer sales would be better

@deluminator, yes :slight_smile:

“for example ,recently, I ordered Nichia 519A 5700K 5000K 4500K 4000K 3500K 3000K, a total of about 21000 LEDs, to meet the needs of flashlight enthusiasts.”

519A 5700K 5000K 4500K 4000K 3500K 3000K will be available at May

sorry, you can sand it a little with a tool

I always use smooth diamond file and work on edges on every MCPCB. Even Hank’s boards sometimes comes like this.


Mcpcbs almost always come with sharp edges, especially where the individual boards were connected together. Not a problem at all. But here it’s like the routing bit was not properly offset. Or maybe these are stamped out and the depth was not enough. I’ve handled many Convoy mcpcbs and this is definitely the first time I’ve seen this. That’s why I prefer to let Simon know instead of just fixing it without saying a word.

Had these for years, very useful for many things and highly recommended to have one of these sets at hand.

I will buy some of these from Kaidomain to put in my old L6 and M3-C that have an XHP70.2, but will they ever be available from the Convoy store? The HI version seems like it will make the old XHP70.2 obsolete.

FYI, the Sofirn IF25 TIR seems to fit nicely. Just a very quick test, so no guarantees.

Note on mcpcb compatibility, the holes in the mcpcb from the early S21D batch are too small (the legs of the optic were cut instead). The current ones do have fitting holes.



Great to know! Thanks for posting Verodin! Any ideas what model optic this is so we can buy separately without having to purchase an IF25A?

You can get it separately from Sofirn’s website

I’ve just put it in a M21D with 219B LEDs and so far it looks good. Will have to do some more testing when it’s dark. Not sure if I’m going to keep it like this though. I like the original 60 degree flood, it lights up just about your entire field of view. Very practical and I have no other light that does it so good. Mules only reach a few meter, the S21D is visually much more powerful. But that’s personal preference. I’ll make 1 or 2 outdoor photos so you can see the difference.

The other way around seems to be a different story though. The 60 degree Convoy lens fits in the IF25 with SST20, but there are some artefacts on a white wall that pop up when you rotate the flashlight.

Oh interesting new colour! And not just that, but isn’t this the first Convoy that uses MAO (I actually had to look that up). Does that feel different in your hands compared to normal anodization?

Slightly adds a bit of a matte feel, not very noticeable.

Hello Simon,

would the sst-20 Deep Red work in a T2/T3?


special MCPCB for T2/T3,
sst20-dr needs a 3030 MCPCB, and no suitable driver

Thanks Simon,

I guess it will be an S2+ then.

How strange that Luminus would use a 3030 solder pad on a 3535 emitter, especially when the other versions of SST20 use 3535 solder pads.

Wow. The white T4 MAO looks amazing. It really reminds me of the “Stone White” Noctigon M43; it also has a slight rough/matte finish. So tempted… :slight_smile:

Ugh, I ordered 5 without realizing that. I wonder if there’s any way to get them to run on a 3535 mcpcb. Guess I should have done my homework better.