【convoy】M21H bezel available now

Simon, will there be artifacts in the hotspot when using a C8 SMO reflector with XHP50.3 HI?

And it looks freakin awesome!

2 Thanks

Well, I’d prefer the 90 CRI version, but to each his own.

I personally want to know why there is so much talk about Anduril II for this flashlight.

What does it bring?

I’ve never seen it or used that firmware, but I got a schematic today and it’s chaos.

I would like Simon’s biscotti mode but with shortcuts.

Two turbo presses, three strobe presses, two long locking of the damn electronic side flashlight button.

And single press then the chosen mode 0.1, 1, etc.

I leave capture of anduril II I don’t know where to start!

All you really need to know is click on, click off, hold to ramp. Everything else is optional. But it does have shortcuts to moon and turbo, and stepped ramping is optional, and easy to get.

But the main reason people are looking forward to Andúril on Convoy is because Simon’s current e-switch firmware’s smooth ramping is terrible. It’s not logarithmic, and it’s so bad, I’ve had more than one person think it was broken, or just couldn’t figure it out. The stepped ramping is fine, so I don’t think Andúril is the only answer, but it does have a lot of features. And I gotta say, I love tactical moonlight when it’s locked.

7 Thanks

It’s a long list but I’m going to give it a try:

  1. it has all the features one can ask for, among the most useful are eg fully configurable ramping (stepped vs smooth, configurable number of steps, configurable brightness per step, configurable floor/ceiling brightness and ramping speed for smooth ramping, etc).

  2. it serves well both the inexperienced user (with its factory-default simple mode) and the enthusiast (who can set advanced mode for his own use or set it to simple before lending it to someone not as sophisticated).

  3. it’s cross-brand and cross platform, which is incredibly helpful for people that have lights from many manufacturers – no more “how the eff do I do that with this light?” syndrome after going back to a light after a few weeks/months, and more free space in your head without having to memorize different UIs for every light.

  4. It’s opensource, meaning anyone can change its code to implement anything they want, or – if you can’t program – ask/sponsor someone who can to do it for you.

  5. also, it’s continuously being improved by our queen @ToyKeeper (its creator and main developer) but also by a number of developers (@gchart, u/SiteRelEmby, among others). So all your Anduril lights can improve all the time too – you just need to download the respective image and flash it into the light.

  6. Finally for @Simon_Mao and all other manufacturers, Anduril means they can stop reinventing the wheel with their own firmware and focus on bringing us even better and more amazing flashlights than they already do! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

There’s a ton of other reasons, but I’m short on time now and will leave it for others to add as they see fit.

6 Thanks

Ahh ok perfect I didn’t know, it’s that the scheme is chaos.

Thanks for clarifying. Let’s see if I can try both.

Since the S2+ does not have an electronic button.

Enough very well explained.

I’m going to see if I can get one that has it and I’ll try a driver for the Convoy, I saw one but it was worth a complete flashlight.

Thank you.

1 Thank

Nice avatar!
Is it new?

1 Thank


It’s new to BLF: I made it quite a few years back for other uses; today I noticed that BLF allowed me to set a custom avatar, so I uploaded it here.

Glad you liked it!

1 Thank

You’re welcome! if you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask, if they are not somehow related to Convoy I respectfully suggest you post them at an Anduril-specific thread like these two:

Or start a new one; in that case, please tag me so I will know (these other two above I already watch).

I have a specific recommendation for you, but will post it elsewhere and tag you, not here to try and avoid getting too off-topic Re: Convoy.

I didn’t know Convoy’s Anduril driver was out already! Was it announced here? I’m watching this thread like a hawk waiting for it, and then I miss it?! :man_facepalming:

Or are you referring to something else?

I’m not sure Anduril would be a good choice for mechanical switch flashlights like the S2+, but I could be wrong.

1 Thank

Exactly, Anduril requires an e-switch. that’s what I understand @litris meant.

1 Thank

I use a translator sorry.

I think a driver with anduril but its price was the same as a complete flashlight with anduril.

But I don’t know if it was for a convoy.

1 Thank

About this thread S21E with XHP50.3Hi

I see that Simon has the same led on the S21B.

What do you think is the best option?

Everywhere I read that the S21E gets very hot, very little, little dispersion or so I think.

I don’t know if that led works better on the S21B, I’m going to see the videos! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No prob and thanks for the clarification.

Plenty of people refuse to use anduril for that reason. I’m pretty sure there are dealers who don’t sell anduril lights for the same reason.

There’s divergence between the needs of people who see flaslights as tools, and what an internet gadget forum trends towards.

1 Thank

It’s not chaos, it’s just a complex UI.
You don’t have to like or use it and it’s not the best UI for every scenario but you can most certainly learn it and it works very well.
I love it.

The best way to start is reading the entire manual: https://toykeeper.net/torches/fsm/anduril2/anduril-manual.txt and using the UI diagram as support IMHO.

2 Thanks

If it could be the cause almost certainly.

But if they leave the simplest default, low, medium, high, turbo, strobe, sos.

And the rest are advanced, but so we have the option to choose.

1 Thank

I’ll check that link!

It will happen like in Biscotti UI you have 12 modes, you learn to see how it is done.

You put one on and you don’t touch the modes anymore and in the end you only use one and you deal with it daily.

I have seen the anduril scheme that is divided into simple modes and more complicated modes, it is to see the one you like and you only focus on that part forgetting about the rest of the scheme.

I’ll see the link how it works, so in text mode it’s very clear!

Edit: I read that Ramping is included, like the S21E or similar.
