【convoy】M21H bezel available now

Hi Simon! Could you please tell me when will fully assembled m21b (and other) lights with this driver be available?

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it’s better to install this driver in L21A,
The size of M21B is small

it’s a special size, There are protrusions on the sides to keep it in place during installation.

S21E 519A Anduril 1.0 available now

7 Thanks

So there is not retaining ring for driver? It’s glued?

Hi Simon. Can you do a 20mm of the 6v 8A driver? It would be cool to put one in a M21A host with xhp70.3 Hi.

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I’m trying to figure out how to get rid of a donut hole with the 70.3 in an m21a with the 6v5a driver. Have you tried one yet in there? I’d like to know to get it to work. Unfortunate there’s no 7070 gasket that fits the smooth reflector either. Might just get the OP. Two birds.

You should make the S21E with Anduril 2. That would sell like cup cakes. Do you have any plans for that?

Edit: Simon, whats the difference between the driver for 519a and for SFT40?

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I haven’t. That host is a C8 designed for 5050 size leds at best, not 7070. You could make it work, but the gasket needs to be shaved i think. The M26 would be a better choice for it. You could try the OP reflector or switch to the domed xhp70.3.

Ya I think you’re right. Small driver wants a small host though lol. The OP reflector will be better I think. And the gasket fits

Adding in; OP works. Smooth was almost good though. Someone could probably figure it out. You notice that extra 1amp with the 70.3 eh. From 4a to 5a. You definitely notice it. 8a should be good.

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Hi @Simon_Mao , since there is now 17mm B35AM driver, would you consider S3 B35AM as well … since its very low current and high efficiency, probably still get good runtimes on 18650. And S3 because easy TIR swap :wink:

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Oh snap. An s2+ b35am would be goodDamn good. That should definitely be a thing. Idk why I don’t have one already

On the s21e? I’m not Simon obviously, but I believe no difference

Slightly less current to the 519a

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S3 B35AM / 719A

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do you mean physical size of the host is not suitable or not enough termal mass to dissipate heat? thanks!

Any chance we will see a listing for S2+ with the B35AM?

3 Thanks

Those tactical tail switches look interesting. A few questions:

  1. Will there be a S21E compatible version?
  2. Do these work with turbo only, or any mode set via the side switch?
  3. How does the UI work with the non-side switch S21D?

not enough termal mass to dissipate heat

Since there are components on both sides of the driver circuit, the driver circuit needs to be soldered on the S2+ pill instead of the brass ring.

3 Thanks
  1. Will there be a S21E compatible version?
    Maybe , but no plan currently.
  2. Do these work with turbo only, or any mode set via the side switch?
    Any mode
  3. How does the UI work with the non-side switch S21D?
    When the flashlight is off, quickly switch the mode by half-pressing the switch
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