Convoy S2+ with various emitters and beaded TIRs

I’ll measure it for you when I swap to the 3500K emitter, probably this weekend :slight_smile:

I did not order the TIR from Simon but from the manufacturer directly - with shopping more expensive in the end, but I only noticed the shipping cost after I ordered :grimacing:

The ones Simon sell, show the hole being 5.7mm:


The other 5050 TIRs he sells have a 5mm × 5mm sorta stand at the bottom:


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Mine are made like this, ordered from Yajiamei directly. I am pretty sure Simon uses them for most of his TIRs.

They are nice since they need no gasket and can rest directly on the PCB.

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Ok, it confirms I got sent the wrong size. Mine are slightly less than 4mm so definitely 3535.

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My latest Convoy order showed up today. A red S2+ 18350 with SST-20 deep red, as well as an orange S2+ 18350 host. I put a 3V 5A buck driver and a FFL351A 1800K emitter in the orange host. Both red and orange were swapped to 20° beaded TIRs.

Soldering wires to a MCPCB with lead-free solder is a pain btw. The joints got so ugly :sweat_smile:
Reflowing emitters on with lead-free paste however works really well.

Very happy with my growing Convoy collection :smile:

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If you want to fit in a square object of 3.5mm X 3.5mm, you need a round hole of 4.95 mm.
If you want to fit in a square object of 5.0mm X 5.0mm, you need a round hole of 7.07 mm.

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