【convoy】Golden S3 available now

I’m probably the poorest guy with the most lights. Before I could get a L21A I see new Sofirn SF47T 3h 21min on turbo! I’m holding out hoping Simon has something coming to compete. Hoping for 2 switches like L6. I can’t believe how fast things are happening. I can’t keep up with the latest and greatest Convoy lights much less afford them. I can’t be the only one. There’s lights in the store without pictures or beam distance or run times. And L4 and 3/21700 and Osrams and 90.2’s and who knows what else coming? While I’m at it, I’d like to see more ship with battery options.

Plothound, I’d be cautious and skeptical about any manufacturer quoted “turbo” runtimes. There is almost definitely a significant stepdown to “high” output (or less) on every light out there, but rarely do they state this clearly in the specs. “Thermal regulation” makes this all the more opaque.

Doing the most basic math, we can conclude without a doubt, that these figures are misleading. Assuming 100% driver efficiency, and 100% utilization of the best (highest Wh) known 21700 cells, running a PM1 Osram at max output (25W), we could only achieve 1.5 hrs of runtime. Throw in a couple of 80% values and then you’re looking at about 50-60 minutes (assuming no step down). The only way to get 3.35hrs of runtime is to reduce the power by roughly a factor of 3, which would net about 60% of the output/throw.

The SF47T clearly uses a buck driver, and so does the L21A w/ CULPM1.TG. I’d assume efficiency between the two are comparable. If runtime is truly a concern, there is no significant difference between carrying a 2 cell light, or a single cell light + a spare 21700.

In other words, no manufacturer is leading another by significant margins. Choose what you like and can afford and enjoy it as much as you can before the next thing comes along and dethrones your baby. :partying_face:

Thanks for the reality check JeredM. I figured it was too good to be true. My baby’s are still L2 and L6. Must be “first love” thing. I wouldn’t expect too wild of claims from Sofirn like the 10$ NoName 10,000lm with the T6 . They understand the knowledge and flow of information here and elsewhere. I’m sorry this is in the Convoy thread. I didn’t realize it was a CULPM1.TG. Sofirn said “3.5 hours on turbo” Maybe 3.5 hours from turbo ?

It’s surprising that any manufacturer who participates in this forum would put anything but thoroughly accurate and transparent specifications to their products due to the BLF prevalence of 3rd party testing. This is one of those grey areas though. Easy enough for them to get away with.

Sounds like you could mount your monitor like this https://i.redd.it/ok7joexwop241.jpg

  • Hi I just received a vapcell 4splus.I can't change current. Cam anyone please help me.Thanks Kim

Is it on auto?

Also this is Convoy’s thread, not Vapcell’s.

Mmm, this is the very same stuff we are nowadays facing with oblong (and oversized) smartphone displays: out of proportion width to lenght dimensions. The higher the difference between one and the other, the less the actual screen area available versus the diagonal size. This is math. The more out of proportion a display or screen is, overall the less useful it is. A properly built, modern, big 16:10 or 4:3 screen would rock. I would even bet for a 1:1 display, could be a real pleasure in professional and even home environments. You would never need to rotate a 1:1 screen. I don't mind if there are stripes by the sides or up and down when playing content. Unfortunately dimwits/philistines usually do.

For smartphones I'd like to have 8:5 / 16:10 displays. I use my smartphone most frequently in landscape, and so the latest trend in smartphone screen proportions doesn't sounds very enticing.

But things won't change “doing nothing”. If something is not to our liking, instead of following the undeducated masses we need to project the reality we want. Literally.

Loving all the attacks on personal preference here. I’ve got a few 34” 3440x1440 monitors and I love them - can have multiple documents/windows/shell sessions open at once and all visible for my own information tracking.

Small switch on the right side side of the charger (on the end with the LCD display) must be set to “Manual”.

From the sound of it few of those talking about “HD” monitors haven’t used anything above 1080p, maybe not even that.

Just got a "new" laptop from work, because they won't allow me to VPN from my home desktop anymore (27" 1920 x 1200, gaming w/1.5 GB of SSD, 16 GB RAM, i7 3.4 GHz). So, now I have an HP 1366x768, Win 7 piece of trash to use for work-at-home :FACEPALM:

So, they didn't block USB flash drives, so I VPN, grab my latest source onto a USB flash, than load it up on my desktop

I'm checking out 1440 line monitors - definitely interesting in getting one, or two

Sorry, but if you think that your computer no overtaken then ….

My company is going security-crazy, too, for various reasons. We got people there with multiple-monitor setups, and most of them have at least one rotated 90°.

I should go in there with a big-ass usb hard-drive and clean out my accumulated crap before usb gets blocked/disabled. Otherwise, I’ll be emailing myself binary pieces forever…

My "hot" gaming system is 4 years old now, so 4 year old hot is not so hot, still warm though...

At work, the company/client got bought out so they are converting over the IT, so everything will change eventually. It should be better but the conversion has been chaotic - basically they pull the plug first and tell you later, sometimes.

Yeh, but as long as they have any functional email at all, I can still slice’n’dice huge files (think of .rar pieces) and email them to myself here. So buncha crap → 1 .zip file → encryption (if needed in case anything sniffs’n’blocks anything with what look like .zip file headers) → email.

Then piece it all together in reverse over here.

My only problem would be some vids that I wanted to process to get rid of extra audio tracks and recode. They got better tools to do that than I’d want to stick on my own ’puter (along with unwanted adware, etc.). :smiling_imp:

That’s a huge chunk of crap I’d need to get.

Any news about L6 with SbT90.2?

I think, SFT-70 could be a new “sweet choice” for thrower flashlight builds. Using Luminus SFT-70 could result nearly the same intensity (candela) rating with less power usage, than SBT90.2, but still plenty of lumens output, and it is probably a noticeably cheaper emitter (I have seen many existing flashlights with an SBT90.2 choice to be cost at least around $50 extra).

SFT-70 could be also a better option for single cell flashlights, as many of them with SBT90.2 struggles with handling that much power (quick heat buildup, premature aging of battery due to frequent usage near its power limit).

I totally agree. If only Luminus released a 3V version of their SFT-70... (fingers crossed). Until then we need to use boost drivers to run it with a single battery.

I’m curious what actaul measurements will show how new T2 is working but i must say i’m impressed.

Left-Convoy T2v2 on high (219C 5700K)

Right- Zebralight SC64w HI on H2

Distance to wall 9m/26ft

My demo video of the T2