Thanks a lot for this thorough modding review, very enlightening.
Could you please link some alternative 2.5 VLDO regulator, or at least say its name? Is it a direct replacement or some other nearby passive needs to be changed?
Good thing is that R2 is just aside the VLDO, as I would also mess with it to reduce the high cut-off. How much do you suggest setting the cut-off at? 2.7 V or even lower?
Thanks! Will link this in the Convoy thread.
By the way, how hard do you think it can go driving 3S or 4S emitters? Guess a bit less than the current you got for 2S / 6V emitters, doesn't it?
Further by the way, what modifications did you make for the driver to handle 2S emitters? Is modification also needed for 3S emitters?
Tue, 04/21/2020 - 06:50; Tue, 04/21/2020 - 06:54