【convoy】XHP70.3 HI R9050 6500K available

Just received S21B W2.1 I’m impressed!!

PS S2+ clips fits erfect on S21 family...0

Looks really nice. Apart from the design of the 2, is there any difference in beam profile?

Later i’ll post beamshots.

So that’s the new Convoy’s grey on the S21B ?
A different shade of grey compared to S2+’s.
That looks gorgeous :+1:
Hey, sorry for my lack of knowledge :person_facepalming: , what is W2.1 ? Is it another osram emitter?

Emitter is CULPM1.TG, Osram Boost or on short W2.1

It’s a slang but much easier to gollow numerous emitters.

”New” grey is i think the same as previois models, S2 and S2+ are similar to S21B.

On the other hand S21A looks bluish to me. But i don’t mind, actually i like it. It remind me of old times and Surefire HA mismatch.

I think someone already pointed out how expensive SBT90 is, so basically you could get 2 hosts for the price of 1 LED.

That’s going to be the first Convoy to break the $99.99 barrier :partying_face:

Convoy L21A cost is 31 USD, SBT 90.2 around 35USD in that case cost can be 75-80.

Most likely need R&D for new driver, and a new reflector… see what happens I guess

Wait for sec, if you look at sbt90.2 market segment which they are already out, there are as following:
Astrolux FTO3S, MF05S
Noctigen K1

They are pretty good but with their own flaw. E.g, MF05 too massive and expensive, but it will perform absolutely. Other also perform accordingly but you will find decent flaw, it depend.

Now,I do see flashlight manufacture doing hard as they could to implement these beast sbt90.2, what I’m talking about here is, what sort of improvement, update, new feature, innovation, to the upcoming Convoy 3x21 sbt90.2? My expectation was: extra capacity and power and that ok. But that will result increase in mass and shape, these also took affect in the decision of consumer. Unless, there is “WOW” factor, that will be different story. So…it is intesting.

We all waiting beamshots with big interest.

30cm from the wall,
left S21A 351D 5000K 4mode 6000mA driver on 3%

right S21B W2.1 12mode 6000mA driver on 1%

2.5m from the wall

left S21A on 30%
right S21B on 20%

5m from the unfinished bathroom

S21B on 20%

and S21A on 30%

Famous duo :)

Any change for beamshots on field?
S21A with Samsung is custom order I guess?

Is it a high CRI LH351D?

Tint looks good in the LH351D, but green in the WF 2mm². Did you set white balance to auto id30209?

Convoy L2 quick question: what diameter is its driver boot? I think I have read in some other thread that it is slightly larger than ∅20mm, is it? It should fit a ∅22mm like this one with a little bit of filing. Now that the L21A uses a ∅22mm driver boot, it would be a good idea to standardize.

I have a 21mm driver in my L2, even though it is 20mm in the description. 21mm fits perfectly, with no gaps left at the edges, so 22mm won’t go in without modification.

Thanks for replying Chatika vas Paus. The driver is sure to fit as I presumed, after all it fits in a ∅17mm board and so there's plenty of leftover board to file:

I still have a question, though. Is the L2 stock equipped with a reverse switch? I would love to see the switch assembly. I have some Omten PBS101C400s, PBS1288Bs and other oddballs at home but just in case.

Standard forward switch on 16mm board by default.

Another oddballity.

Yes, hi cri 351D.

Iphone 8 set to cold settings. Actually tint on Samsung isn’t that rosy at all and Osram isn’t that much green.

Phone camera is shait :(