【convoy】XHP70.3 HI R9050 6500K available

Convoy M 1, a very successful model for accommodating Carclo Optic 10621-22-23-24

uh,is it folder path of your PC?

i know this lens has no legs.I will try other method to cope with this situation.

Great to see you here listening to the community Simon!

I was afraid you were getting behind on the newer flashlight developments, but I see you won’t let that happen.

That’s an M2.

Simon said “carclo is expensive and not easy to be bought in China”, dear Carclo lovers. This means it is unrealistical for him to design his flashlights around Carclo optics. Maybe you could ask him to choose some alternative optics manufacturer making Carclo compatible stuff.

Cheers ^:)


That’s an M2.

So confused. Too lazy to watch your collection :smiley:

This is an M1:

Anodized aluminium bezel, wider and more conical head, deeper fins, and the body is knurled.

I do want an M2 for myself tho :smiley: Eventually, I’ll have it.

Good idea!

The LD25 could use better mode spacing though…
Low is very low and medium is a little high…

+1 !!!

Great to have you here, Simon !
The colored bodies are nice, but the high-CRI are even nicer ! :slight_smile:
And, most important, especially the high-CRI put you into the flashlight leaders ! I really hope the market will honor the better light quality over merely higher numbers for the lumens !

You can customize the modes yourself.

Simon, here’s a Carclo quad optic cut sheet I found. You can also buy them from Intl-outdoor.com as they are shipped from China.

O wow!
I thought it only worked on the older version.

Yes, I am already behind, I want to catch up.

This drawing is helpful.
I prefer to find a optic manufacturer first.

If someone want to have minimal or much less spill compared to a reflector flashlight, TIRs could be a good option. I think, it cannot replace a Convoy L2, but could be very useful - it is just a different beam shape.

I tried an S2+ with 10 degree beaded TIR lens with XP-L HI and Luminus SST-20 high CRI emitters, and it is very spectacular. XP-L HI (and probably other domeless emitters as well) was even better with narrower TIR lens. An S2+ with 5 degree clear TIR lens is even more spectacular in this regard.

Could you please have a look at LEDiL TIRs (I don’t know your possibilities about how to find a good retailer for their optics, but it might worth a try)? :slight_smile:

The Gaggione LLC49U is the narrowest throwiest optic I have found in the size range. If you can put this in a flashlight, you will have a very unique hand held spotlight. I like how optics can concentrate all the lumens into the hotspot instead of “wasting” half of the lumens as spill. Putting a Oslon CLSNM1.TG will achieve 175kcd or more with a larger more usable hotspot in a Emisar D1S size light.

Since I already have enough floody/spill lights now, intensed focused hotspot is what interest me.

Honestly, are such TIR lenses as good as you seem to believe? I bought some narrow beam (5°) inexpensive TIRs for S2+ flashlights, but didn't liked too much the end result. Compared to a wider angle set bought from FastTech their ceiling bounce lux figures were noticeably :!!!: lower.

Aspherics all the way! :-D

I want to ask if the 15% BLF discount is also available for the Black C8+ Host?

Pretty sure it applies to all items in the store except for the basic shipping cost when you ask for replacement parts like lenses, switches and such.

for furture designs the 21700 cells seem to be good to get a slim light compared to 26650 lights
USB-C charge port with 1-2A charge current