【convoy】XHP70.3 HI R9050 6500K available

Given how modular the S2+ is - add the charging port/circuitry to the head, so it’s a tickbox and separate option? I don’t know how customisable AliExpress’s storefront is:

  • colour temp (3000, 4000, 5000, 6500)
  • 7135x3, 4, 6, 8
  • Charging head (yes, no)


I agree that upgradability of the current lights is quite bad for no good reason. I’d love to have a nice lego set that I could build lights from. Different heads, different tubes, different tailcaps.
S2+ is actually quite close to that:

  • there are different tube lengths available
  • swapping optics is easy and selection is good
  • lighted switches, magnets, GITD o-rings….probably other extras are easy to get as well

Could use some larger thrower head or a Carclo triple head.

Though I’m not a fan of tail clickies which makes all these options quite poor to me…
I wish modern drivers supported both clicky switch UIs and e-switch UIs. Want e-swtich only? Get e-switch head and a flat tail. Want e-switch with clicky lockout? Yeah, you know what to do, e-switch head and clicky tail. What clicky only? If a specialized head is not available you could just never touch the e-switch and click-out whatever you like.

This is one of the newer ∅22mm high current linear drivers, carefully file trimmed to ∅≈20.9mm in case anyone is wondering.

For some reason whoever designed these drivers decided to set a layer of solder mask there in the middle of the spring (WHY?). As a modder I super very often do inner spring bypasses and this of course is not a good thing here. So, before I start messing with solder mask removal, may Simon or someone else confirm if there is copper down there in the entire surface? I am seeing a weird cross figure there so I thought I'd better first ask this question.

Cheers :-)

Looks like the four bits outside the cross would be traces - have you got an engraver? If so, grind a small bit back and do a continuity test between that and the spring pad :slight_smile:

I’d say the cross is just the fibreglass though.

Convoy M3
Convoy S21A host

cries in broken wallet

Love the UI on the M3, Simon :slight_smile:

Your reply is so fast :smiley:

I’m sitting down finishing dinner and got the email notification, and noticed the thread title change :wink:

Simon some of your new host use 20 mm. driver when will high current 20 mm. driver 6-8A available ?

There's already a driver you can use Satan@103TFS, the newer ∅22mm one. Just file it for a little longer than what I did, down to ∅20mm.

Love that M3, Simon! But please, start using some better springs for those high power flashlights and ditch that thin spring + thin wire bypass combo…

But that driver UI :person_facepalming:

6A 4modes 20MM driver is in production

Phosphorus copper springs are good, but they are easily deformed. If the spring is too thick, the battery will be deformed and I don’t recommend it.

If it’s not too painful, maybe try braided wick for the bypass like these:

Very flexible, and lets lots of current through.

Just a thought, I understand it might not be economical to do so! :slight_smile:

Holy Monster…
It would be handy to have an L6-M3-S11 beamshot comparison. Especially, because the M3 looks like the same horror (for anyone who looks into its light :smiley: ) as the L6 (LED, max current), but in a smaller body.

“The flashlight has temperature protection function, if the flashlight is overheated, the drive will reduce the output current.”
This is what I like the best. Switch on any mode you like, but if the light is too hot, it will dim, so it won’t fry. Small lamps should include this too.

Great news!
Will s21a have smo reflector?
Reflector size?

It would be nice if at some point these drivers have have the option to cycle in reverse direction (press for ff>l>m>h) either by double click or by TK style long press.

Diameter / Height (reflector) : 22.8mm / 11.7mm

the SMO is in production

What diameter led mcpcb is the M3 using?