【convoy】XHP70.3 HI R9050 6500K available

Simon and Friend!

I wanted to ask you all something else.

New RED 17 mm 8x7135 driver and “old” GREEN 17 mm 8x7135 driver are technically identical?
I mean only HARDWARE not firmware. I plan to use custom firmware. This firmware work perfect with GREEN 8x7135 and I plan to buy some of RED drivers for it.
First of all, I mean PCB layout.

sorry ,no plan ,
I am curious, why are you interested in integrated head? :smiley:

the same hardware ,friend

Simon, if I wanted to get one of the SST20 S2+ but in the violet host - should I just buy it on AE but not pay, and then put in a note and let you adjust the price? My daughter really wants the violet :slight_smile:

AFAIK red one has 5th pin pulled down.

A head with integrated shelf has a straighter (more direct) thermal path from the LED’s MCPCB to the head wall. The shelf needs to be flat with as less machining marks as possible.
The S3 has a more resistant stainless steel front bezel.

A 18650 Convoy S3 with a head designed for a Carclo quad TIR would need a front opening diameter (slightly less than) 24mm to not cover the four reflectors.


The head shelf would need to accommodate 21mm in diameter MCPCB with quadruple LEDs configuration.
(I didn’t find a Noctigon quad schematic)

Triple and quad are popular but Convoy heads designed for traditionnal single LED reflector require a spacer to compensate the shorter heigh of triple and quad TIR lens.
A convoy S3 specifically designed for Carlo quadruple would be awesome.
(21700 flashlights are the shiz right now, personally I still prefer 18650).


Imagine a 21700 tube light with the looks of the M21A? So same battery tube but with smaller head but with the same design as the M21A and C8+. Ribbs around the tail and head. Integrated shelf!

I was imagining something more like an Astrolux S41 for the head’s shape with fins like the Jaxman E2L but as deeper as possible and maybe slightly thicker, for 18650 battery as this format is less bulky than the 21700 and a majority of people have more 18650 than 21700 batteries, but anyway, just my personnal preferences (I still apreciated good old 18650 with clicky switch and Bistro UI with forward and backward cycling modes) + I don’t see this happening since Simon tends to not respond to my rare messages/requests/suggestions (but I understand he can’t respond to everyone) + it’s probably to late for this since people who are prefering e-switch (with ramping UI) over clicky are spoiled with Emisar quads and Lumintop FW3A triple.

Emisar quads and FW3A are going for the smallest reasonable form factor. I think, if a Convoy model would be introduced with bigger head for additional heatsinking, that would be still meaningful. It is nice to have triplets or quads, but one might want to run them on high setting for more time.
Regarding head size and cooling fins, I think, the Convoy M1 could be a good starting point - then the head would be redesigned to host the Carclo 10507-10511 range optics (length should not be reduced significantly, the integrated shelf for the MCPCB should be very thick, around 7-8 mm), and that is it. Also, that model should support 21700, because it would still let using 18650, just a tall (h > 12 mm) double spring is needed in the tailcap.

Why triple when you can have quad ? :weary:
Carclo Triple is 22mm in diameter and the quad is 24mm, see how the FW3A front opening designed for a triple cut the quad reflectors, not good.

It’s not a big deal to design a head for carclo 24mm quad TIR lens and make a centering ring for 22mm triple TIR lens.

Thick, yes. Very thick ? There is no advantage to make it very thick since Simon will not build a hotrod like the D4 and flashlights with small quad head are ridiculously downsized to manage heat of fet driver.
Again, the idea of a S3 type quad head would also to take advantage of modularity with S2+ pocket clip, 18350 battery tube, etc = budget quad high CRI SST-20, CCT mixing, body/accessories modularity (e.g. : lighted tailcap), etc :+1:

Ok, that is fine - but I would be already happy with a triplet.

I think, you did not read me carefully, as I didn’t mention FET driver, and small head (anyway, I think, a FET driver is not suitable here - I would be happy with a driver, which would supply 8A at the highest setting, regardless the Vf of the used LEDs):

The S3 is a great triple host, but if you were going to make a dedicated triple/quad host I would go for something that looks like an 21700 version of the M2 (same head size, just scaled up battery tube). That way they would be far more usable on high than current triple/quad FET hotrods.

A really nice thing that could be very easy to make would be a thinner bezel for the S3, so more of the optic is open.

A M2 or S3 head with fins, designed for a quad would end with the same size anyway. The idea was to keep the same head threading to the battery tube used for the S2+ / S3 to keep the compatibility with the 18650/18350 battery tubes, (lighted) tailcap, pocket clip, etc that a bunch of people already got, hence the reference to the S3 instead of the M2.
But if you want to buy complete new things with each new trend (battery, charger, button MCPCB, etc), why not but i’m not on this boat and I’m probably not the only one.
I prefer to give more value to existing things than devaluating them with new ones (e.g. swapping LED for newer and higher bin instead of buying a complete new flashlight with the same newer and higher bin).

I guess a new head would be and easier part to make if it was compatible with the existing tubes, I’m just thinking that making a dedicated parts compatible triple/quad head for the M21A/S21A or even S11 battery tube might not be a better idea at this point. Larger driver, bigger battery, more thermal mass.

I love my 18650 triples, but they do have significant limitations I would want to avoid if I was going to go to the effort of building a special head.

ok ,friend ,leave me message if you place an order

As long as you tell me the model of the lens, I can design the corresponding host.

Simon, keep in mind the styling of the C8+ and M21A. This can be a very sexy light indeed. Carclo 10507 to 10511 optics.

Thanks mate, I’ll try and do that in the next few hours.

Okay, really having trouble working out the cart - as soon as I press Buy, it just goes to payment; can’t work out how to send it through for adjustment.

So just pay for it as is, and then leave a message and then you’ll work out the difference?

You should be offered different kinds of payment methods (Paypal, debit/credit card, etc.) before you hit the "PLACE ORDER" button. If you choose "other payments" your order will be carried out with no payment. Then you can send Simon your message, so he can adjust the order. Later on you can pay the adjusted order with any payment method that is convenient to you. If you order and pay, it will be very difficult for Simon to reimburse anything and I'm afraight it would also cause additional fees to be paid by Simon.