Oh sweetness! Thank you!
Good to hear that I don’t have to worry about instantly blowing a good LED out
I would also like to know if the 4-mode 5A driver can be resistor modded? Mine has an R010 on it and I’d like to stack two R082’s on top for a 20% increase in power, but not sure what this will do to that driver? copper pill s2+ triple SST-20-DR red leds is the light I want it to go in, so low vf in most modes. I also just want to know in general for future mods/builds. Thanks
Honestly speaking, I'm pretty sure the earlier malfunction report isn't related to driver architecture, just some mishap.
So drivers should work as expected.
mountainair26, so you want to take the “max 5A” driver, increase its maximum output to 6.22A (more heat dissipated in the driver), and drive 3x in parallel red leds with it. The low Vf of these leds means more voltage to drop in the MOSFETs, so even more heat dissipated in the driver. Good luck with this, you'll need it. The driver will throttle like crazy. If additionally you remove the thermal resistor from the driver, chances of it becoming toast increase alarmingly (it will . However, a build like that should work well with a LiFePO4 cell.
The nice way to drive 3x red leds is to set them in series and use a boost driver.
Thanks for the response and helpful info, driving red leds is difficult for me to grasp, I think I’ll go with a series mcpcb instead of parallel and boost driver, but due to the fact that a red led can have a vf of less than 2v at low current or over 3v at max current it’s tough to know how that boost driver will function.
I wish there was a perfect answer, but maybe it’s a 7135 driver like djozz has suggested, and LiFePo cells or regular li-ion charged to 3.7 to minimize voltage difference and reduce heat in a parallell set-up.
I want to use the mtn boost 17mm driver but I am not sure the voltage range from low to max with match with the vf range of the leds in series. and if I’m wrong, it’s an expensive mistake on my part for that driver.
mountainair26, the boost driver is sure to work if chosen properly, a 2S boost driver should be able to ramp up output voltage way above 7V. The H1-A and H2-C were treated extensively in Buck and Boost Drivers, Testing, Modding, and Discussion (Pic Heavy).
The H1-A which is sold now is sure to be somewhat different. A couple units I bought after Jensen567's experiments came with their OCV unlocked. Curiously I have one still unused, and its OCV is a hair above 14V (will drive triples 100% sure). It could also be being sold with a slightly different, lower inductance inductor, this was reported somewhere by another fellow.
The ∅22mm H2-C should also work (for sure with a quad in series), but take your time and ask some questions in the above Jensen567's thread.
Oh! MTN boost driver, give it a try. Power it up unloaded, you will be able to measure its OCV with a voltmeter/multimeter on its output leads. If its output voltage raises at least to ≈9V, it'll handle a triple of reds. If not, you can report that and use it somewhere else. :-)