Copper Astrolux A01 Winner chosen

Thank you for the giveaway.

my my mine!

let me luck

I have two copper BLF A01 so :


Great giveaway


hey, is everyone allowed to join, no matter from what country?

I won´t say it, but maybe this guy:

I won’t say anything, but you know what I mean :wink:

Oooo!! eebowler has no copper lights!

This post FTW! Thanks!

Pick me :smiley:

Chicken sometime are crazy…
Never trust a chick with a flashlight!
Thank you :smiley:

A great light i don’t have :smiley:

This is how the chickens will pick me :

I’ve really wanted this light but the budget she’s tight… I’d love a bit of copper to light up the night. :smiley:

Did I mention I have chickens too? :beer:

I have a buddy called Chickenhead.

I want copper :smiley:

I’m chicken.

I’ll take it! Pick me!

Thank you chicken man :sunglasses:

…or else you can use a duck to pick the winner

I’m incognito :cowboy_hat_face: