crazy multi colourled light mabe based on FW3A

hi guys

brainstorming idea moment

what do you guys think about a multicolour fw3a light

im thinking along the lines of a tri led light but with different tints or even colours

i would love something like red green blue or tints like it

tri led but leds quite close together and using a reflector so each led (on seperate time) gives a hot spot in the middle, of course they would have to focused and angled so the give a hotspot in the middle

has anyone else had this though

also the driver would have to have 3 outputs for each led.

1 click all leds on
2 clicks red led on
3 clicks green led on
4 clicks blue led on

the colours could be tints but strong tints near the colour of

may be even 4 leds red,green,blue,white

maybe a silly idea ,but what do you guys think

I did it in my D4 which is a similar multi-emitter TIR. I upgraded this light to MELD UI with RGB, white, and UV. I generally don’t need any special beam pattern for the colors so I did it with a dedomed XML-RGBW pressed right up against the flat area of the lens. This way three of the optics can still be for white emitters (and the fourth for UV). Here are some pictures:

That looks super funky

Have you got some beam shot

Still my favorite EDC.