Cree XHP70 up to 4022 Lumens and XHP50 up to 2546 lumens - Multi-die leds.

Eagle Eye X6 with XHP70 using a Minnie-M Ledil reflector making 4426 lumens at 7.45A

Eagle Eye X6 with MT-G2 using an Iris Ledil Optic making 2500 lumens at 5.43A

These are 35mm optics, you’re asking about 80mm, differences there will be, but you’ll probably have better results from the MT-G2 in an 80mm polished reflector than you will get from the XHP70. This new die needs a special reflector, or at least an orange peel reflector, or optics designed to merge and diffuse the beam profile.

The red 55 gallon drum is 97 yds away…direct middle of the pics.

I was asking about the XHP-50… :~ I’m not going for sheer output, the XHP-50 will still do 3000 lumens otf, at a lower driving current, and my hope is that it would throw a bit better.

Typically, large die are not used for throw. That's why some of the best throwers are using XP-G and smaller dies. I doubt that this XHP50 or 70 will ever be throwers. Usually multiple die leds are used more for floodlights.

I have a bunch of copper goodies here! :slight_smile:

And the worries about the 12V vs 6V platform are for naught, as they sent me MK-R copper boards for the 6V set up. No funny business with airwire or resistors or any of that mess. :slight_smile:

Edit: Pics

Oh man Dale i think i have to pick up a few of those :)

Where are you finding those? Hilarious.

Yeah, these are nice and solid looking…save for that bit of a gap with a razor across the top. The traces are wide, looks like it should do nicely. So now I have to disassemble a light and re-flow off my rigged board and see if there’s any noticeable difference. Of course, starting from scratch it would certainly be easier to mount an XHP70.

Oooooh ahhhhhh. I want one

Nice looking PCB :evil:

Those are pretty fresh, they have XHP-70 on them, and it looks like a LED temperature measuring dot
I don’t get how the XHP50s work though

Here's the puzzle :

Very interesting, thanks :slight_smile:

Bort, that’s for 12V configuration. Crazy isn’t it?

Fresh? I’ll say, SinkPAD just got this first batch in Monday. :slight_smile:

I have some day old bread, but these have a much longer shelf life :smiley:

I skimmed all 13 pages looking for links, but my apologies if I missed it - Is there a source for buying the XHP70 that actually has it in stock available to order?

Mouser USA had some. That’s the only ones I know of right now. Anything else is probably 5+ weeks out, before they have stock.

When I was on the Mouser site this morning it said they was a 600 unit back order, but it seemed that they had 82 on hand. I guess that means that any order over 82 they couldn’t fill anyway so why tie them up. That’s good for us that only need a few to fulfill our needs.

Mouser got those in the other day, Thursday or Friday. They had 100 coming in, two more backorders in the wings. So my 3 were part of the 18 that have been shipped out to make that 82 show up from the 100 that just came in. :slight_smile: That means I should see em Tuesday, no mail tomorrow for MLK day.

Edit: Forgot to mention they’ve got XHP50’s coming around Feb 15th. :wink: All warm tint though as far as I could get from talking to em, like 3000K with 80+ CRI or something like that. I’ll be trying those as well, just because.

I have one of those warm white XHP50's, I ordered it before I got Hanks sample to test. I don't know yet what to use it for, for an output test the results are too predictable AFAIC (similar voltage performance as the cooler ones, and less output).