Crelant 7G5CS XML2 or Maxtoch SN6X-2X

Just thought I would put this out there. I havent seen any middle of the range thrower discussions for a while :slight_smile:
I know these are not up with the tn32’s, K40 etc, but I like both of these lights and can only afford to get one at the moment.
Which one would you choose and why?
I like the UI of the Crelant but It just looks like the SN6X-2X would throw better. Quality of both is unknown to me as I don’t have any models of these brands and reviews have been mixed.
I am open to other options but I am pretty set on one of these 2. It must use 2 cells and have XML2 emitters standard.

i would choose the maxtoch

easy to mod and push 330-350kcd, great quality as well, perhaps even better than the crelant - perfect reflector, great anno etc.

Maxtoch—price-wise and performance-wise. Wait a bit and the new super-lightweight thrower is coming out! :smiley:

you have a url for that?

I was just talking to Amanda. She said the new version was due out in March but didnt say anything about it being light weight. I asked her what the upgrades were and she just said AR Lense and copper circuit board but I think it’s meant pill.

Here is what was said…

I love it! Those changes were pretty much directly from my comments/review (probably others too). This seems to be a company that has a sincere interest in listening to what we say.

Hm, interesting… Missed that thread. Thanks

Yes Maxtoch are good at listening to customers and implementing advice.

I just sent an email also to Amanda asking about immediate plans for the 2X and any upgrades to it, and also regarding the new smaller lightweight Sniper model - replacement for last year’s excellent SN6X-2S.

Last year’s 2S and 2X models were fine performers and v good lights for the dollar - be interesting to see upgraded versions now.

In answer to above question here’s an update from Maxtoch about the 2X upgrade and new lightweight Sniper model;

“We have just moved building and production will resume in March. The new SN lightweight will come out in March, and the 2X will also be upgraded with AR lens and copper board. “

This looks good. A 2X with these upgrades will be comfortably over 100k stock as the older model was 96-98k. And the new lightweight Sniper (smaller 63mm head?) will also have the copper board/AR lens etc. At under 300gms the Sniper will be ideal for scope mounted hunting and outdoors activity.

Mmmm…looking forward to getting my hands on these…