CroudStrike/Microsoft outage

Interesting enough CrowdStrike also crashed Debian computers a few months ago. Gotta love companies using users as beta testers :hugs:

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We were going to try swordfighting, but all my compiling is on hold.

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My older sister works at a hospital in North Carolina.
Sheā€™s in charge of discharging patients to other places (such as other hospitals.)
Her hospital was not affected by the CrowdStrike outage, but her job was affected because other hospitals in her area were affected by CrowdStrike.

If want a technical explanation of what happened, here it is:

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Excellent video!
I understood the gist of the video, but I did not understand all the details because Iā€™m not an IT professional.
It was very educational, though. :+1:

What happened? Havent powered on my Pc since this happened any way to protect it. I was thinking power it on with no internet?

The issue is if you are running Crowd Strike on Windows. Only businesses run it so for us its no problem.

Yep! Within a few minutes of logging into my company network, I got BSOD. It was just enough time for my laptop to report in that it needed the update and then receive and install it.

Weā€™re still fighting with it today. Luckily my stuff is now all fixed for the prod environment. Everything else is back burner. I can relax and play with flashlights today. LOL

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Yep. The BSOD screen on mine said ā€œcsagent.exeā€ as the culprit of the crash

Crowdstrikes rolled it back. You should be good now

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I warned you about proprietary software bro, I warned you

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Itā€™s possible to write and deploy broken open source kernel drivers too. Thereā€™s a reason most people donā€™t run Debian Sid in production.

To explain the reference for those who arenā€™t as nerdy, Debian is a popular Linux distribution that names its releases after characters from the Toy Story franchise. Sid is a bully character with a habit of breaking toys, and the bleeding-edge unstable release, which might well break without warning is named for him.

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My mom went to the Social Security Administration today.
I went with her.
We arrived at 9:08am
They didnā€™t call our number until 10:54am
Why did it take so darn long?
Because of the CrowdStrike outageā€¦ of course. :man_facepalming:

Looks like Crowdstrike published their officially offical fix for this. And it still requires a boatload of work for the end user for each machine.

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What is going to cause The End of the World?
A tiny line of code by a company youā€™ve never heard of! :grinning:

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