Custom step-down buck 21mm driver for Skilhunt & Convoy H1 headlamps.

Boost is good. But for heavy flashlight hosts with good heat dissipation. 50gr. host like H04 in room temp can handle about 3Watts and this buck driver can output those 3W down to about 3V.

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Boost for the ability to use xhp leds for even higher efficiency at low wattage

What is the fault in the Skilhunt driver? I don’t own one, but was considering getting one.

Of course, and Anduril driver would make it significantly more interesting.

In the past years people bought many H02 and H03 with annoying UI too. H04 have improved UI, but still its not the right one :smile: In general stock driver have asynchronous step down, so efficiency is not so great.

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I didn’t mean that the driver itself (as it arrives from Skilhunt) is faulty, I quite like them including the UI. The driver in one of mine H04s died, I blame frequent dropping of the light but I’m not sure. I think I read it somewhere that these drivers dying isn’t that uncommon.

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I’m really interested in one. Are you taking commissions for built lights, or just selling drivers?

Don’t know about this one but I’ve gotten 2 drivers from Quadrupel and they arrived quicker than expected and work great. I gifted the Boruit but still use the H03 almost exclusively at home and it’s perfect. Dark Horse (or modified) UI, super-easy to use and no issues.

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You are a blessing. Interested.

It’s mind boggling it’s almost 2024 and there still is no right angle headlamp without one or more major flaw(s) in it.

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Interesting opinion.

I’m using a lot Emisar DW4 with 95% efficiency driver - can’t find any major flaw but I’d eagerly get to know one. Or more.

Weight. Need 3 fingers to operate because of button on top. And i quess same inner shelf for led MCPCB? In short it is primitive design comparing to Skilhunts.

Naaaah. Weight is totally OK especially comparing to my both FF PL47.
Button on top? I need one hand anyway so doesn’t matter how many fingers I engage. Not mentioning I reach to the button 2-3 times within whole battery capacity.

I sold all my skihunts. The UI was awkward.

But it’s good different users have different requirements. I’m also using PL47s.

But I just disagree there ain’t good headlamps on the market. There are. It is just a matter of how hard you are trying to find any downside.

Hi Quadrapel, I’m interested but I don’t really know what I’d be signing up for! Please can you explain what the advantage would be over the stock H03 driver?
Is it just UI?
Or efficiency?
Better regulation?
is it brighter?
Or able to sustain brighter output for longer?
Could it use the stock LED or would that need changing as well?
Also could somebody with wire soldering skills (my Dad!) fit the board inside the torch? Or would you be looking to sell the board inside a modified torch?
Roughly how much do these things usually cost?
Many thanks!

Sorry, im just to lazy to explain. If you don’t know what is it, it’ s not for.

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Hehe! I know just how you feel after spending my days explaining stuff to folks in my field of expertise! But I don’t believe you! Lazy people don’t work up new driver boards!

I guess I’ll just have to stick to plain old vanilla H03 and H04, even though it is really annoying that I can’t enter moonlight mode without switching menus. I would also like to snooze the low voltage warning to save me from attracting unwanted attention in the dark when my hands are full! I read somewhere that the new Skilhunt UI has an option to snooze the LVP warning flashes, but I haven’t read this in the new manuals so haven’t pulled the trigger on a new H04 yet

As for a new efficient, better regulated, more powerful cooler driver, I’ll have to dream for now…

Very lazy to explain. But same thermal mass host cannot handle more power. It can, but for short burst. This driver is not about it. This driver is more efficient it will run not much brighter but for longer time. It have much lower low modes too. Regulation and efficiency is better because of modern voltage regulator. LVP In ZigZag UI looks like this:
If main mode level “M5” cannot keep its constant brightness then Aux 3 blinks and driver steps down to level “M4”… M3 …M2. Then level M2 reaches low voltage at 2.6V steps to M1 then to Firefly3 … F2… F1 and starts blink main led every 5secs. Yea, blinks only at lowest level and only at voltage near to shut down when its really time to change batt.

Can I add to other headlamps? Say a Sofirn hs40?

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You can add to any light with 21mm driver.

Damn you guys…

Now I’m thinning if I should replace my worn FF PL47 and get myself something lighter and designed better :thinking:


Do you know of any 17mm headlamp buck drivers for 14500 or 16340 headlamps ? All the 14500 headlamps offer boost for aa and are unregulated on liion. Id like a regulated lightweight headlamp with a nice looking emitter for running. (If i could swap the green out of my olight perun2 mini, Id be set.)

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