Still a wealth of useful info there.
I can go back and trace my steps into early LEDaholism.
It’s a great reference source for old lights and emitters - and basically a MALKOFF library.
I’m a looong time member, just stated that it was a bit slow.
Still a wealth of useful info there.
I can go back and trace my steps into early LEDaholism.
It’s a great reference source for old lights and emitters - and basically a MALKOFF library.
I’m a looong time member, just stated that it was a bit slow.
This could be the reason. Surf speed is fine for me but composing is rather pita. Haha.
Weird, I’m seeing their forum category and topic listings load really fast, but the actual threads do indeed take forever to load, and that’s with an ad-blocker enabled.
Feel free to comment on this, but please keep it civil and decent.
Sub forums on cpf open in a blink of the eye for me. Firefox and ublock origin.
CPF loads fine for me its feels smooth and quick compared to before, it also looks better now. I am running Firefox with uBlock.
I joined here before CPF so i missed most of what happen, i don’t log onto CPF that much any ways. My flashlight family is here!
It looks like it’s intermittent. Basically luck of the draw depending on your position in the request processing queue. Classic symptom of not having the web server worker and PHP worker pools correctly tuned for the site’s user load and available resources.
Probably you are right.
I barely visit them, because there is nothing interesting to read since a loooong time.
CPF used to be the number one technology site. Funny how things change.
was this before budgetlight ?
Yes, don’t remember the year.
No issues with speed or functionality on my end.