DB Custom's 10,000 Post Giveaway WINNER! Post 171 spamman!

Shut up! Jingle dem bells - Vinh mod, all the way. :santa:

Dale, you surely talk too much to name me the winner :bigsmile:

Dale, you probably really do talk too much. In here anyway.
You spend way too much time writing in here. That’s got to take focus away from real life.

Oh well. On second thought that’s not so bad actually! Keep it going buddy!

Myself, I never have time to write as much as you do. Far too busy reading what you already wrote.

This is the first 10k post giveaway I’ve seen, so yes you do talk too much.

Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Hush now Dale, you talk too much!

Wow, that is a tremendous amount of posts. Congratulations! :slight_smile:

I actually happened upon BLF from this thread of yours Modded bigshots...S2200 vs M8 vs Terminator vs M6 Beamshots as I was after beamshots of the Supfire M6. And from that I am the proud owner of the Mod 2 M6, it’s my favorite light by a mile. I have to say thank you for your hand in making that decision easier for me. And all the nice folks over on Reddit/r/flashlight too.

This Flashlight community is a great one, I hope one day I can give back as much as I get from it.

Cheers everyone


You talk too much!

(Keep it up! :evil: )



As of today (Saturday), you’ve got about 430 more posts to hit 10K. Let me be the first to prognosticate that auspicious date:

My guess is January 31, 2016.

Congrats on the 10K! Sir, you really talk too much.

“When you have nothing to say, say nothing.”
― Charles Caleb Colton

Congrats on the 10k :party:

You talk too much Dale, but most of it for the sake of this community. We simply need it :beer:

You talk too much? Can’t hear a thing. Must be going deaf. But then again, I’ve been married way over 30 years now :wink: It is my last line of defense.

Keep talking!

I’m telling you… You talk too much :bigsmile:

Thanks for the chance to win a really great light!

WOW, what a very generous giveaway!
Those are some very nice lights.


Well, the required sentence has been said, so now I must say that I totally don’t agree. It just shows how much you like flashlights otherwise you wouldn’t spend so much time on a flashlight forum!
And since we all share the same hobby, who can think you can talk too much about it.

You talk too much dale H)

You talk too much Dale.
Keep it up.

I am in thanks!

Keep Talking

You may talk to much... I bet your have set BLF.com as your browser's default page.

Damnit Dale! Your post so long I almost missed the part where it says I have to choose 1 of 3. Could’ve took them all you know :crown: