I dedomed a few Nichia's, 219A and 219B, I used a hot method: warm up to just under reflow temperature, slice the dome in a bit on the side close to the substrate with a scalpel and slowly lift it up. Dedoming a Nichia feels different, the Nichia silicone is very tough, and as mentioned a thin layer of silicone remains on the die afterwards. (video of dedoming a 219A here, description of dedoming a 219B here)
The tint of the Nichia 219B high CRI after dedoming is the best led tint I have ever experienced. It is in my current EDC, a small 16340 cheapie with 2900mA NANJG-driver (build thread here).
Dedoming any high CRI led (I dedomed quite a few 80CRI Cree XM-L2 leds as well) does not result in ugly tints in my experience, it makes the tint warmer but the colour reproduction qualities seem intact. Ugly tints result if you start out with certain low CRI leds.