Die sizes of some dome-less leds

Green is never ideal, especially since it desaturates colors, but if this one can hit 1mm² osram surface brightness and double the lumens from a round LES, let it be (a bit) green! <:)

I think it’ll be a great sft40 alternative for 18650 lights. Since its only 2mm², even 6A should throw really well if efficacy isn’t crap. I like to upgrade to a 21700 platform for the 8-9A the Luminus wants. I’ve never warmed up to the PM1 because of its asymmetric corona /rectangular die other than in a D4S where the quad orientation averages this out. It also begs for a collared aspheric build.

Target reflectored hosts for this emitter imo would be in the size range of the (Convoy) M2, D80v2, and C8+. Smaller won’t handle the wattage and larger will be too pencil beam for my taste. Ymmv.

I use LD-4A set to 7A-9A. Seems to work fine in C8+ with Culpm1 and YinDing. I really like Culpm1 in C8+ driven at 8A. Probably my favorite thrower. I like it more than L21B with SFT-40. Beam is purer and warmer white and throws almost as far, when viewed with bare eye. L21B might throw further, but weather must be crystal clear with it.

Djozz’s test of the yinding 5050 round die.


I did pixel counting measurements of my own photos of the emitters and the areas that I’m gettting are as follows:

CSL NM1 - 1.04mm²
CSL PM1 - 1.97mm²
YD5050 glass - 2.22mm²
YD5050 silicone - 2.12mm²

You get slightly higher numbers, and the Yinding is a bit closer to the PM1 than in my attempt to measure them.