Difference in LED characteristics?

These links should help

LED Comparisons

Tint, Binning & CRI Explained

LEDs & Other Stuff

Brightness Bins 1, 2


LED Basics

LED Close Ups

Various Light Sources on Colour Checker Cards

Basically as i understand it

MT-G2 for crazy brightness & flood

XM-L, XM-L2 for brightness & flood

XP-G, XP-G2 for brightness & throw

XP-C, XP-E for throw usually in smaller lights

XR-C, XR-E older emitters good in zoomies

Nichia, nice colour or tint

SST-50, SST-90 for brightness & flood

Generally, depending on optics the larger the die or yellow wafer part that you see under the dome, the more floody the LED will be and the more current you can put through it = brighter.
The dome is there to make the light go out in all directions so when you de-dome an LED the light comes out more directly forward. (i think) :slight_smile: