Direct Drive for Eagletac d25c clicky?

Hi folks, new to the forums! I’ve searched and searched and cannot find a clear answer to my question, so I’m going to ask it myself.

I’m thinking of buying an eagletac d25c clicky, mainly for it’s awesome direct drive 700 lumen capability. So my main question is, which rechargeable battery do I need to get the 700 lumens? Can I get a protected rcr123a like this one

…or do I have to get an unprotected one like this?
or this?

I’d prefer to use the protected rcr123 for safety, and it’s easier to find. But if IMR is the only way to get the 700 lumens, I’ll have to go with that.

And followup question, which charger should I use to charge said battery. I’m thinking of this one.
but i’m worried because I heard you needed to charge two at a time to avoid overcharging it.

Thanks in advance for your awesome advice!

Get yourself an MC0 from Mtnelectronics. Charges single cells at .25A or .5A. Check out wight’s newest wip, a 15 mm FET + 7135 driver. Someone should be able to whip one together for you.

Review here indicates that some protected cells may be too long.

Wow, it didnt even occur to me that the proteced cell wouldnt even fit…

I have the ti version and have used both AW IMR and Kinko 16340. Very bright and would definitely concur just by eyeballs alone that it is 770 lumens OTF (Selfbuilt).

I haven’t put regular 16340 protected or otherwise into this light.

Bare in mind with rechargeables you lose all the middle modes. I think you just get moonlight and turbo. I haven’t used mine in many months but I think that is the case with the 2012 version (ti at least). I think the 2013 or later is not direct drive (could be wrong)

Thanks for all the info guys! I played it safe and went with a d25cl2. 850 lumens, takes the popular 18650, and no questionmark on direct drive. We will see how it does as an edc.