okay, i went back up this thread… to see “the guy that had the cool one”… that was a project on some other site.
he did similar to what i am talking about, except i have a couple OTHER ways to build the thing as well…
his “wow” photo at the end? is a 200mm lens… which is i suppose okay for date night in the barrio and all… but…
really now, this is BLF… we dont do “adequate”, do we? No, we start at “ridiculous!” and go on from there
i’m thinking 600mm lens for a start… i can go higher… lol… show you the inside of a fly’s @rsehole if you really want, with something like a 1200mm lens… like i said? i have basically no practical limitations on specs. building around a real camera lens introduces the limitations of the LENS, IE… how close it will image up…
when i use lens(es) and fab the “camera lens” up myself? the limitations no longer exist, as i can choose distance from lens to sensor at will.