Do you stash your flashlights around?

Interesting, i assume this is an Anduril feature?

Yes, I placed a flashlight or two in every room in the house. I mounted them on the wall near light switches.

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Pretty good question .
I use both styles . Specific lights in certain locations and big clusters of lights in locations as well .There are throwers at both front and back doors…a few lights in the console of the car and usually quite a bit more in a bag in the trunk. Headlamps generally hanging on an easy to grab peg in a cluster. AAA lights either hang from a few screws or lay in the AAA only light tray . AA lights generally stashed in those acrylic make-up dividers . each holds about 25 lights . It’s a really nice way to have lots of lights contained in one spot so there’s always a central stash of lights to grab . they hold both AA’s and smaller tube 18650 lights like convoy /s2’s .
Some AAA lights with magnets heat shrunk to the clips are attached to a metal filing cabinet, range hood, refrigerator etc…
Not a fan of hiding lights or stashing them away in boxes . The only lights in boxes are ones getting ready to be sold. But,
It would appear I’m much better at buying lights… then selling them.
About 8 big clusters of lights and lots of scattered …
I’m guilty of being a true flashaholic .

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I am currently in a hotel room in Incheon, Korea. I have five flashlights with me, and they all have tritium or auxiliary lights of some kind for identification.

My Emisar D4V2 is on the nightstand with a diffuser providing a soft warm mood light.

Got a pic or a link?

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I have 5 or 6 of them . I kept finding them at the goodwill for a buck .
they are all different . some tiered and others flat …all handy and some slightly bigger holes than others . Some will not take a S2 most will .

Yes, it changes the aux LED color to indicate voltage. The colors follow the visible light spectrum (like a rainbow), so it’s easy to gauge the battery status at a glance:

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Didn’t know about this.

I usually have my keychain AAA light on me at all times, a bigger AA if i am going out for the day.

But i also place various lights around the house so i have one if i need one especially the bigger lights i have don’t want to be lugging them around the house, so nice to have them at the back door for example in case i hear a noise or need to go out and get something from shed or workshop.

In my pocket during the day, 14500 on nightstand, head lite by kitchen door, searchlight in car. :tiger:

Just keep a few around in addition to the ones I carry at this time.

Doors, front and back, nightstands all have one. Most are with in arms reach. Nothing like opening the Door only to see a moose standing 10ish ft from you.

Have a few lantern types in the pantry. By the time I generally get to them, my back up genset auto starts and the lights come back on.

Oh yeah, minimum 1 per room. Power outages don’t just happen when it’s convenient. They can happen any time, when I’m in any room. Not having a flashlight nearby is a bad idea.

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Ya I do but it’s pretty easy for me because I have maybe 4 dozen lights. I also keep a neck lamp and 2700K/660 red headlamp handy for prowling around my house at night :slight_smile:

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I keep all of my flashlights in one spot, but headlamps are a different story. Headlamps are distributed in bags and various locations around the house.

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All my flashlights have magnets. All of them. If they didn’t come with a magnet, they have a magnet now. 1000m 26650 thrower? Magnet. 10,000+ lumens soda can? Magnet. Tail switch? Ring magnet. Built in magnet? Already has magnet built in, don’t need to worry about those.

Then I placed pieces of steel plate strategically around the house. Walk by a steel plate, grab a light, leave a light.

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Awesome. What are some models you’ve added magnet’s to? I’d love to have one in my IF25a

Sure, but the most important light I have is the:

-45 lumen light in my iPhone.

This allows to me find the five lights in the house… 1 in living room (Sofirn S11C), headlamp in kitchen drawer (Sofirn HS20), thrower in the kitchen cabinet (M3c 70.3Hi), 1 flooder in garage (S21D 219B), 1 in hallway to the bedroom (S11 GT-FC40). And of course the T4 in 519a in the car using Eneloops

That one I feel like sofirn tried to build with a magnet but it was a little too top heavy to stick upside down or to a wall reliably so they just said screw it and gave it a wider base and called it a day.

And the way they have it set up that’s true, the size of the hole in the tailcap where the magnet would usually go is too small. You cant just pop a magnet in there and put the spring on top like a normal sofirn or wurkkos light that is strong enough to reliably hold the flashlight, I’ve tried.

But the ts25 isn’t that much lighter up top than the if25a, and that has a magnet. But the magnet hole on it is smaller than the one on ts25, in diameter and depth, even though the threads on the tube for the if25a are larger. You can’t just use the ts25 tailcap, it’s too small, even though it has a larger magnet hole. So you do have room to make the hole a little wider in diameter, but not much, like <2mms, because the base on the if25a flares out at the bottom there’s not a ton of space, and a little deeper, but its not as deep as the ts25 tailcap is. So you could maybe with a die grinder make the hole on the inside wider and deeper and maybe fit a magnet that’s strong enough to hold it. And one day I might try doing that, but for now I just stuck one on the outside lol

Of course, I am surrounded by flashlights. Am I weird?
I have one small flashlight in my backpack, 3 flashlights in my evacuation backpack, I carry one as a keychain and used to have one in car.
Aaaand I might have 5 flashlights in front of me right now casually lying on my desk

I have them all over the house. Unfortunately most don’t have the aux leds so unless I remember to “test” them, many end up being dead at some point, which pisses the wife off when she grabs one for some reason or another…

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