Does Convoy 18350 tube fit S3?

Thank You.

Please be careful. Don’t want to see you damage anything trying to help out…

Top left: Convoy S2+ and a short tube. Top right: Jaxman E2L and a short tube.

Result: Convoy S3 works with long and short tubes of S2+ and E2L.

Convoys were bougth in Convoy Store on Ali, E2L was bought in Jaxman Store on Ali.

Edit: just check shopping history - S3 host is from Ali Convoy Store, S2+ short tube is from Fasttech, S2+ is from Gearbest. (don’t ask me why)

GREAT. Thank you so much. For doing this. I will order another s2+ shorty tube. Mine must of been defective.

Thank you!! I know you previously said the Jaxman tube works, but it’s great to have this total confirmation of lego. Now I can buy an S3 host.

Not sure why it didn’t work before for chadvone, but I suggest he tries again, starting over with some new shorty tubes? There is a possibility however that chadvone’s S3 for unknown reasons is different since he purchased it a couple years ago, and g_damian’s was bought more recently.

Haha, we were typing basically the same thing at the same time, but my reply took longer!

LOL, yep. I just sold a S3 host. Thinking I didn’t need 2 18650 S3’s.

check out the 1st review.