Does this Firmware Exist?

Hey Guys,

I’ve lurked around for a while trying to find out if this exists and haven’t been able to get it settled. I probably missed it somewhere but here goes. If I could have the perfect firmware, it would function like this (reverse clicky setup):

- ML - L - M - H

- No Memory

- Double click for High (any time)

- Triple click for strobe

  • Some sort of internal temperature control

I would like to be able to load this firmware on an ATTiny25. Writing firmware is nowhere near my wheelhouse (not yet anyway). Would this be a pretty simple firmware or no?

- Steven

Both proprietary drivers/firmwares, and still not a perfect fit to your requirements, but these two are close:

LD-3 would give you everything except direct access to high.

H17F would give you a double click shortcut to either strobe or high.

Using my Babka firmware (available in TK’s repo) would get you a few of those things (4 modes, option of no memory, and triple click for strobe). I haven’t done double click for high.

While it’s for the attiny13a (which means no temp control), I’m working on a ’25 version that includes temp control.

Are you looking to do this on a single (like a 105C) or dual channel (like a FET+1)?

Edit: link

I’m not aware of anything that checks all the boxes, just depends on what’s most important. Bistro is wildly popular. It has several mode groups, option for no memory, moonlight, and temp control. Special modes are activated by a “medium press” from the first mode, assuming your driver has an OTC to detect medium presses. It’s for a FEt+1 setup with a ’25.

this UI is very similar to my Olight X7, but olight has more fuctions

Thanks for the replies, everyone. Trying to get my bearings on if this would be possible and if so, where to go or what to learn to make it happen.