Does your antivirus still flag BLF as malware?

This is why I own 3 macs. I'm a porn addict, and I'm in need of serious help!!!!! find better porn sites!!!!!

Only three?

I have a few more than that. Around 25 of them last time I went through the attic. About 23 of them still work - or still worked the last time I bothered to power them up.

And the others including the world's loudest Sun server. That thing has fans on its fans. I can't hear the vacuum cleaner when it's on. Come to that I can't hear a chainsaw with a rusted out muffler when the server is running.

Very impressive Don, but how many porn videos do you have? I have hundreds my friend!

nope, never does anymore.

Exactly none.



Never had an issue. Are using AVG.

WOW, TMI on my part. I'll hang my head in shame now.......

Do they work?

I'd hate to spend good money on a Mac, only to find out that they don't...

The Link from Post #13 gave Me 5 Alerts in a row with Avast.

Sometimes Avast says the first page of this thread is infected: