Don't like Anduril lights any more? and 4000K tint?

Poor driver regulation is the main reason I haven’t bought a Sofirn lately.

My last Sofirn was the SF47, a 4xSST40 light with a 2x21700 form factor and a linear driver. I would love to see an upgraded version with 5000k SFT40 emitters and a nice regulated driver.

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Sofirn C01S, SF13 and SF11 were good flashlight models which they don’t produce now and I think that that was a bad decision.
SP31V2.0 and SP35 (not T model) are good flashlights.
SP10V3 and PRO must get better choice of led, 519A will be better than LH351D.
Of course thay can source a better batch od LH351D.
I have Manker E02II with SST-20 6500K and it have the best cool white light colour which I don’t see at other examples of light with same led. That same diode will be good in SP10.

Agreed. @Barry0892 if you’re paying attention, people still want this kind of model. There are actually a lot of people who don’t want to use lithium ion battery, and are still using AA/AAA batteries. Instead of producing so many different new models, Sofirn could think of just updating older models to V2, V3.0.

Personally I would like to see an updated 4xAA/14500 flashlight like SF11.

In fact just recently I saw on my local FB flashlight group people are still asking for AA/AAA thorfire/sofirn flashlights and asking what happened to them.

That’s a great story!.. And more recently he releases an anduril flashlight… with anduril1 instead of 2! His driver guy is really into older hardware (i laugh, but let it be known that I still love Simon’s work).

Thank you all very much for all of your sharing and suggestions. I feel very touched. Let me explain the purpose of my post here:
I hope to investigate the reasons for the current decline in sales of Anduril’s flashlight,
and collect the opinions of flashlight enthusiasts in the BLF forum, so as to meet the needs of enthusiasts for flashlights, and design a special lamp for them.

14 Thanks

Looking forward to that! This will almost surely be my 2nd Sofirn flashlight!

I just purchased 2 more SC31 Pro[Blue and Red] today(Black Friday).
I now have 3 on the way!

Looking forward to it :slight_smile:

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I am excited to watch the process of developing a new project here. :+1:

You’re new here, aintcha? :joy::rofl::joy:

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That’s me… I’m in my late 60’s and have always had poor night vision. I’m flabbergasted when someone says, “50 lumens is enough to walk the dog.” I need a good 1000 to get comfortable.
I do love warm and neutral tints but there’s no sub for raw power.
Get old, you’ll find out! :roll_eyes:
I just picked up the Wuben X1. Now that’s a light! Blows up the whole neighborhood. You can always turn it down but like a big inch V8 working easy on a hill vs. a 4 banger screaming its guts out to do the same, having power in reserve is most reassuring.

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@Barry0892 How about an update to the IF25 and IF25A. It was one of the early 21700 quads available but was kind of forgotten. Anduril 2.0 supports dual channels and beyond. Add RGB auxiliaries, magnetic tail cap, more LED choices and a refreshed look and you are in the mix. For me the 21700 form factor is perfect and you already have USB-C charging on board which is a plus for a lot of people.

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Barry, would you be able to share with us how Sofirn approaches its marketing efforts? What types of media do you use and in what channels you employ them? Also, would you have a guessed estimate on what percentage of your sales are from buyers in the flashlight enthusiast community?

I think Sofirn has made some nice decisions in the flashlight/lamp product range. For instance, I had a family member who was so impressed with my Sofirn BLF LT1, that they wanted one. But they’re quite a novice when it comes to flashlights. I didn’t feel comfortable having them fiddling around with Anduril (I know about muggle/simple mode, but still–a simpler UI would be more comfortable). The LT1s UI made it much more approachable. So I was able to buy a few for friends / relatives, and they were thrilled! The smaller profile makes it easier to use and carry, too. Of course, the flashlight enthusiast might be a bit disgruntled not getting Anduril, but it’s a different product focus. And that’s why you made the LT1s Pro. THIS! That’s smart product design.

It does lead me to wonder… if there might be a way to simplify things just a little for Sofirn. Would there be any way to have a basic UI and then a “hidden function” to activate the Anduril UI instead for the enthusiast? This would then obviate the need to produce 2 distinctly different flashlight products.

I love me some Anduril 2.0, and 519a @ 4000K. I mostly avoided the Sofirn lights because of the 5000k. I love my SP10pro and was hoping for a 4000k version in the future.

I already have all the lights I needed, but I could use a Lantern so went ahead and placed and order for the BLF LT1 today because of this thread. While I was there, I took advantage of the sale and picked up my first SC31 Pro and another SP10pro and some of the freebies & specials.

PS I hate the 2 way clips, especially on big lights. Whose going to attach a 21700 light to their hat brim anyway? So I like that the SC31 uses a one way clip with a reversable tube instead.

Note: I think it is possible to configure the Anduril 2 simple mode to be a one mode light. You could pick something around 60 lumens for general purpose use. Then it would just turn on and off with a single click for the extra dumb muggles in your life.

I think those of us that know and use Andruil 2 in advanced mode worry too much about muggles. There is not much simpler than the basic mode. I have given Andruil 2 lights to people that know nothing other than hitting the switch. Set it up, gave it to people, never had a problem or complaint.

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OK, that’s good to know.

I have had various Convoys, in most cases hardware and LEDs have been good, but after a few days I got rid of all of them - again and again due to the UI only. Both of their UIs, side switch and tail switch, are horrible. No way I am going to buy a Convoy again, until they come up with a new, massively improved firmware. A few months ago I was over the moon as I read about their S21E with Anduril. I at once ordered one. And what did I get? Andúril 1 firmware, four years old, and no flash pads. Another Convoy I got rid of within days. Somehow they did not hear the bell, in Simons’ team. :see_no_evil:

By the way, when I was so disappointed with the Andúril Convoy, I had some conversations with Simon about this issue. My feeling was that he is not aware of the problem, he did not confirm that he had information of people being unhappy, and he did not seem to have plans to improve things. He announced a Andúril 2 Convoy a bit later, but for months now I have not heard of any developments along that route. :upside_down_face:

A lot of us (including me) tried to explain to him why he needed to use a current MCU and provide flashing pads before it was designed.

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OK I did not know that. So we give up on Convoy, for the time being … :thinking:

Maybe I’m a minority here, but there is nothing wrong with Convoy’s tail switch UI. The e-switch UI on the other hand, leaves a lot to be desired. That being said, I will take a flashlight with an efficient, regulated driver despite it having a quirky UI, over one with Anduril 2 and FET/linear driver. I use flashlight as a tool not a toy. If I need illumination, I need illumination. I want the highest quality beam with the longest runtime, and I don’t want the flashlight to keep gaslighting me by dimming gradually until I suspect that my eyes have problems, and an FET driver does exactly that. I short, I want it to have a switch that I can turn on, then it will provide stable output for the duration of the use.

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