If you want to do math and quantify how dangerous UV is to eyes as a function of wavelength, here ya go.
See figure 3.
If you want to do math and quantify how dangerous UV is to eyes as a function of wavelength, here ya go.
See figure 3.
Is there any explanation of the difference between the old boost driver and the new Lume x1?
I love all of my boost driver lights, but was curious what the new one improves on.
@loneoceans (being its designer) can of course give you an authoritative explanation, but AFAIK the main differences are:
I’m sure there are more differences, but these are are the ones I know about.
Hi, folks, long time not being here, new released DW3AA is available, basically a right angle version D3AA.
We’ve also been woking on some new projects, including the NTG50 6V LED, negative DUV(about -0.005), CRI 95+, R9 95+ , hopefully, you guys will like it’s tint and performance.
Looks great, thanks for the continued innovation!
The new LED sounds great, I can’t wait to see it!
Another thing I’m hoping for is the Lume X1 driver coming to your tail switch lights!
And possibly even a new 21700 tail switch light—based on KR series or brand new, either way I’d be in!
Welcome back by the way!
Very cool looking light. Can’t wait to get my hands on one (or more). Great job, Hank!
Late to the party, but thank you, this makes me want a DA1K. All of the other beamshots I’ve seen have been a white wall from a metre away which is no use at all for telling me how well I could see things outside in the dark.
Very nice surprise
2 Questions:
I have no idea, I was responding to a post about the DA1K.
Sorry I didn´t watch out who to reply
The Question was of course adressed to @Hank_Wang
Sounds nice! What color temperature would it come in? Hopefully there is a 4000K version.
Will this be available in the new DW3aa? @Hank_Wang
Probably not from Hank as this is a 5050 footprint LED. And Hank doesn’t offer that in a D3AA. And it’s a 6v emitter. So, that wouldn’t work with the D3AA driver
I’d really like to see a D1AA with a slimmer head and a selection of 6V emitters. It should be a minor tweak to the 9V driver to make a 6V version.
A boost-only driver like the D3AA seems like the best solution to AA/14500 being difficult to do efficiently, but a triple gives up the slim form factor those batteries enable.
This is what we need really!
Is this the same LED from same manufacturer tested here?