DX now has a blf coupon:BL5F 5% off

My last light got shipped by DHL on a weekday night around 6:30PM, and the next day at 7pm it was at my door..that's a little over 24 hours from China to Japan.

My fastest shipping time from China ever.

Maybe if it was 50….
…it would get closer to other sources.

That depends.
DX isn’t too expensive on all their stuff.
http://dx.com/p/206762 :slight_smile:

And i just ordered flashlights, right after reading this topic, and i forget to use the code…. :weary: :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks DX

the coupon only apply for flashlight?

Don`t know, you should give it a try and report back!

can’t do that since many GB arranged for past 2 month on BLF :_(

Tried to do some mock buying, the code does not work for flashlights and batteries. Maybe it’s site dependent?

Don't know,

It might be for the US site only.. as I saw they had another thread about this coupon code as well.

DX, as usual

Don't work with 18650 batteries. Invalid Coupon Code

Coupon only work for regular price stuffs.

Just tried it with an order of o-rings, soldering iron tips and audio cable - no go. All but the soldering iron tips were regular prices. Got to give the thumbs down on this one.

I thought their ad just said flashlights.

It seems to be for the US dx site only?

It appears to be US only indeed.
Just tried it on a UF-H3B
Can’t find it anywhere else and with the 5% off it would drop below my import limit.
So I’ll just won’t buy it.

Too bad DX doesn’t care about the rest of the world. A BLF coupon for everybody would be a lot better

Hey Johnny,

don`t know why you would want to buy that light..

Its a little outdated. And you can get better than that one.

Bad PWM and old emitter, and very difficult to mod, if you want to replace something.

I have the uf h2b and it does it’s job, but I was looking at something with 18650, with a max of 22€, so the h3b came to mind.
Would love to buy the hc50, but it’s way above budget.

Modding isn’t really an issue. Last couple of times I tried to fix a light, it ended up worse then when I started so I’m avoiding messing with working lights

Ok, I understand. Not sure what other 18650 headlamps like the H3b are available under $30.

Does anybody know if there is another BLF code?