DX Second Giveaway--Sunwayman D20A? NITECORE HC50!! Now send you for free!!! Try your luck now

I use headlamps more than handheld so I’m going for the HC50

I like the Nitecore HC50 because it has five non-disco modes and it looks cool. 8)

The Sunwayman D20A is for me

I like the Sunwayman D20A i need one Sunwayman in my life :bigsmile:

I’d like the Nitecore HC50 … because it’s a Nitecore :smiley:

When you have one, you will find you need a lot more than one ;)

Me too

The contest is now over for 1 week and winners still haven’t been announced.
This is not serious from a company as big as DX. It seems that they want to get some attention by making a giveaway but not giving the price away is a really bad commercial behaviour.
Should I keep ordering from a company that is so unorganized (Or maybe that they did it on purpose, to save a few bucks)? Probably not.

Maybe they are busy seeking 18650 4.35v fake samsung to continue sending us :open_mouth:

My first win, thanks DX!

Congrats unknown00101 and zelee!

congratulations guys!

thanks dx!


I’m so freakin’ excited! I’ve wanted an HC50 ever since Flashlion busted out his review almost 8 months ago!

Thank you DX!!! Also, Congrats Leaftye and Zelee!

Congratulations to the winners!! :party:

Congrats guys great lights ..

thanks DX for doing this .. :)

Congrats and have fun with the flashlights. Thank you DX for offering the give away :)

Congrats to the winners.

I'm getting a Firefox warning that DXSoul.com is not a trusted site. Do you know why it's saying that DX?

I’m not getting any warning for dxsoul.com. Could it be an AV browser plugin causing the warning?