I was not charged any extra for expedited shipping. I know that when I ordered, the primary shipping option on the X6R listing was ePacket, but as I said it actually shipped China Post Registered. Now I see the listing says China Post, so maybe it was just an error that was corrected after I ordered. However, China Post is the method that only took 8 days. I left an order comment “From budgetlightforum.com” so maybe he sped up the order somehow? But I know for sure my tracking number was China Post and it showed up well-packaged in 8 calender days. As always, this doesn’t guarantee you will have as great of an experience as I did, but I have no reason not to trust and recommend this seller.
Thank you for your clarification. Do you how much difference are there between them? A ball park number will be fine. I always feel my flashlights’ outputs are not as high as the Lumens that the LEDs are rated.
A light of this quality and output at ~$20 (or whatever they are offering it at) doesn’t come anywhere close to sucking. This is a phenomenal production light. Get one…you will be impressed.
Man…you make too much problems…If the item do not arrive, the seller refund you.
If the item is defect/broken/damage, the seller refund you.
So, which is the problem?
Me & my wife have buy so many time on Aliexpress, only one time the item was no so good, open dispute, and after 5 days Aliexpress refund all the money. Very very easy to go.
Instead, for me Paypal suck. I really hate it. If I can, I never use it…
It is a personal choice. I have used PayPal for purchases ranging from cheap lights to $2500 lens to collectible firearms and have never had an issue. In this world of global purchasing I think it makes sense. They have an ok dispute route, if the seller fails to deliver and fails to respond and it is very easy to use. I have been using it since their first year of service. I can always see the transfers in 1 location on 1 control panel and I can manage transfers to and from my sources in 1 location.
That is good to hear, it works for you. Again, not an accepted international way of selling items… very site proprietary.
That is a personal choice, just different than mine.
LOL, the expectations really have gone up lately! Let's translate 'sucks' into numbers:
With the best cell direct drive with all resistances carefully removed you might get to 5A (for a mere few minutes) for the XP-L Hi. Compared to the s*cking 3.5A that is 20% more light, translated to real perception that is 10% more light, traded for 50% more heat and 30% less runtime.
“Man…you make too much problems…If the item do not arrive, the seller refund you.
If the item is defect/broken/damage, the seller refund you.
So, which is the problem?”
None of the above.
I simply do not wish to disclose my CC# - With PayPal I don’t have too, since I already did - To just them.