EAGLE EYE X6 XPL HI V21A 1200lunens LED flashlight Free shipping $22.13

I was not charged any extra for expedited shipping. I know that when I ordered, the primary shipping option on the X6R listing was ePacket, but as I said it actually shipped China Post Registered. Now I see the listing says China Post, so maybe it was just an error that was corrected after I ordered. However, China Post is the method that only took 8 days. I left an order comment “From budgetlightforum.com” so maybe he sped up the order somehow? But I know for sure my tracking number was China Post and it showed up well-packaged in 8 calender days. As always, this doesn’t guarantee you will have as great of an experience as I did, but I have no reason not to trust and recommend this seller.

Thanks for that.


Pilot Dog,

Well, I really should ask you…
How do you like it?


I will start by saying I completely believe it is genuine and in perfect condition in every way.

for more info, I suggest going to Krono’s review of the X6R.

I give my first impressions in posts #144 and #147

Thank you for your clarification. Do you how much difference are there between them? A ball park number will be fine. I always feel my flashlights’ outputs are not as high as the Lumens that the LEDs are rated.

Thank you Pilotdog - But I was asking about the X6 XP-L HI.

That is the name of this thread.

I do like the X6R too:-)

Thank you,


I didn’t order one of the X6 HI’s

Just reporting on the seller/shipping

Thank you. PD…

You tried and I really appreciate it… I get these threads mixed up too.

Thanks again!

Depends a lot on lens/coating, reflector/optic/finish. I think most are generally 15-30% from what I’ve read.

A light of this quality and output at ~$20 (or whatever they are offering it at) doesn’t come anywhere close to sucking. This is a phenomenal production light. Get one…you will be impressed.

They confirmed in email that they will not invoice through PayPal… I for one will not buy without PayPal… :frowning:

Me either. - No PayPal, No deal.


What are the lumens numbers on this one? Any member can confirm if all modes are current regulated?

Man…you make too much problems…If the item do not arrive, the seller refund you.
If the item is defect/broken/damage, the seller refund you.
So, which is the problem?

Me & my wife have buy so many time on Aliexpress, only one time the item was no so good, open dispute, and after 5 days Aliexpress refund all the money. Very very easy to go.

Instead, for me Paypal suck. I really hate it. If I can, I never use it…

It is a personal choice. I have used PayPal for purchases ranging from cheap lights to $2500 lens to collectible firearms and have never had an issue. In this world of global purchasing I think it makes sense. They have an ok dispute route, if the seller fails to deliver and fails to respond and it is very easy to use. I have been using it since their first year of service. I can always see the transfers in 1 location on 1 control panel and I can manage transfers to and from my sources in 1 location.

That is good to hear, it works for you. Again, not an accepted international way of selling items… very site proprietary.

That is a personal choice, just different than mine. :slight_smile:

LOL, the expectations really have gone up lately! Let's translate 'sucks' into numbers:

With the best cell direct drive with all resistances carefully removed you might get to 5A (for a mere few minutes) for the XP-L Hi. Compared to the s*cking 3.5A that is 20% more light, translated to real perception that is 10% more light, traded for 50% more heat and 30% less runtime.

“Man…you make too much problems…If the item do not arrive, the seller refund you.
If the item is defect/broken/damage, the seller refund you.
So, which is the problem?”


None of the above.

I simply do not wish to disclose my CC# - With PayPal I don’t have too, since I already did - To just them.


It’s good that Paypal didn’t know you paid for a firearm with them, that’s a TOS violation and they have locked accounts and held the money for it.

what the estimated throw on these lights? is 1200 otf lumens?

Ok… So? I would imagine PP gets used of many things in the TOS list.