EagleTac M3C4 XM-L

And lastly the shots of 500 yards-

Yea mine want come close to yours.

Hopefully I will get it replaced with another.

Here’s how mine stacks up against a properly driven Crelant.

Crelant 7G5 60yds 0.7sec shutter f/4 ISO400

Eagletac M3C4

Same settings as above.

That Crelant is probably putting out close to 58,000 lux @ 1 meter. My M3X is around 56,000k.

Thanks for the welcome guys. Raccoon City, Most people have no clue what my sign on means but your pic nailed it. Ilikeflashlights I think my 7g5 is about as strong as it is supposed to be. We tested it in our light box at about 850 lumens and iirc about 56500 lux at 1 meter which I think is pretty impressive. My M3C4 tested at 950 lumens and 56800 lux at 1 meter.Like rdrfronty just posted the eagletac and sr51 were both brighter at close distances but the crelant passed them up at about 400 yards. I don’t have any of the other throwers that you have so I cant compare to them but I think you said in a different thread that your 7g5 and m3x were neck and neck at the top of your xml throwers. If my Crelant is on par and I think it is my Eagletac is a great thrower as well. Mine might be the exception but it impresses me every time I turn it on. It should make an excellent frog gigging light as well. lol.

I took a few more.

Olight M3X 60yds same settings as above.

Sunwayman T40CS 60yds

FandyFire STL-V6 60yds(the best XM-L thrower period for the money $45 shipped)

Here’s some more.

Same settings as above and 60yds

Olight SR51

Fenix TK41

Here’s a control shot so you can see just how dark it really is here.

Wow! You have a collection full of throwers. That’s a very impressive bunch.I hope you get another M3C4 that feels right at home with them. I am looking at either a tn31 or maybe even the 7g9 not sure which.

Strange, your eagletac does appear to be weak. Obviously you have good batteries? But yeah in your photos it looks like its on the lower end like you said. Well here are a couple closer shots too of my lights. 200yd and 100yds.

Those are some awesome shots.

Here’s my Fenix TK70.

The TK 70 is about 3 times as bright as the other XM-L throwers at the same distance. :bigsmile:

Notice how it lights up the burn barrel vs the others. And it still throws like a barn burner.

I would love to see that bad boy in person. I would like to see it head to head against rdrfronty’s sr90. That would be something to see. It looks like a cross between the sr90 and the skyray king.

Aloha and welcome to BLF manxbuggy1!

Well Cathy told me to send my Eagletac M3C4 back to them and hopefully they are going to give me new one up to spec. It cost me $16 to ship it back to them. Hopefully I will get a good one. She was very nice. I’ll let you guys know how it goes. And thanks for the help here.


I do apologize had know idea I bought that light used from sbflashlightguy and I never really messed with it. I have an like new Aluminum case from Harbor Freight that I am going to give you to you for your troubles… I am really sorry…

No problem Rick. I know you were all good in your intentions. I love the light by the way. But you know me. If I can make it like the other guy that posted here for only $16, I’m gonna do it.

Thanks Brad, you know I would have told you if I thought there was something wrong with it. I bought it he said like new condition from SBflashlightguy……

That just means I’m gonna have to drive up again. :slight_smile:

Aww, That’s even better!! Bring some Miller Lite…. :slight_smile: