The driver retainer ring was made next. This ring is broad as it will also be the earth contact from the battery carrier to the driver.
The battery tube material ideally would be 2’’ diameter. Unfortunately we dont have this size in Australia, 50mm being the closest. The other option was to machine the tube from solid which I did not want to do.
I’m a total novice when it comes to welding aluminium so this should give a few out there a good chuckle. I decided to build up one end (which is now both ends, not shown here) with weld and machine this down to about a mm more than required at this stage. The end welded here will be threaded for the standard tailcap.
I have no idea if I can make this work yet but will persevere until it doesn’t or does work.
The battery tube was then machined to length. A fixed steady rest was used to stop the battery tube from getting ripped out of the chuck from the side load the cutting tool applies to the metal as it is cut.
Back to the driver retainer.
I wanted to use a Convoy S2+ metal switch button. The pill was set up in the mill and a hole drilled so this could be set up square in the lathe for threading.
Unfortunately the setting up of the pill in the four jaw chuck did not go well and damage to the battery tube thread resulted. As the length on this part was critical a lot of messing around fixing it was required.
The decision was made to purchase a small angle plate and bolt this to the lathe face plate. Its the large angle at the bottom.
The pill was then set up square and clamped to the angle plate with angles used as a clamp.
The hole for the thread was machined to the correct diameter and a recess machined for clearance around the switch. The thread for the metal switch is 12.4mm in diameter. Just less than half an inch.
The thread was cut by turning the face plate by hand instead of running the lathe powered up.
And we end up with this. Looking from the inside. I love using items designed by members here on the forum. and this is the switch mount.
It can be found in Rufusbducks thread.
And the switch button from the outside.
One last picture showing the switch, switch pad and S2+ metal switch button ass.