Email alerts have stopped

Hi Streamer, I really do apologize for the trouble. I’ve always had trouble with the cable ISP email providers like yours, and basically it’s their fault. :slight_smile: If possible could you try switching your BLF address to an alternate email provider such as Gmail or Outlook?

Gmail doesn’t help- that’s what I’ve got and I always check my spam folder at least daily before deleting those messages. And from that you can see that it’s happening to me again. I get messages from threads where I post for about a day then they vanish again.

Not a big deal really, but as I’m interested in and subbed on numerous threads, the email alerts made keeping up with everything easy. I’ll just visit more often and dig back to see what’s happened since my last visit. No need to apologise SB, you’re doing fine. BLF is still the greatest thing since sliced bread topped with lettuce, a slice of homegrown tomato, and lots of bacon :smiley:
