Emisar D3AA is available now

Given Hank had to roll back the Intl-Outdoor website database a few days ago, I would guess that the website’s invoice counter/tracker needs manually skipped ahead past the invoices that happened Jan 2nd - 9th.

Fingers crossed, this should be resolved pretty quickly.

So in your opinion, if I was kicking around the idea of a D4SV2 with W2 emitters, would it be worth it to get “Tint Ramping” version even if I was getting all W2 emitters? You know, just for flatter output?

I would stick with the single channel version if you’re going to get all 4 of the same emitter, especially W2’s. I’ve heard W2’s can pull north of 20 amps on Turbo which is more than the 9A+9A linear 2-channel driver will supply.

The only exception to that I might make is four W1’s, which shouldn’t be FET driven because they can cook themselves. But, W1’s are right in their sweet spot at 4.5A pet emitter so they’re driven appropriately by a 9A+9A 2-channel driver.

Glad I asked! Thank you for responding.

(4) w2's would be able to handle 28-30amps if wires and springs would allow, if there was a 26650 battery that could deliver. Maybe the qb26800 could though.

Funny you should mention that because I was actually thinking of doing the 26800 tube :smiley:

I’ve seen a few people post here (or on r/flashlight) that in a quad-w2 d4sv2, the highest amp 26650 batteries (like the Efest Purple IMR26650s) have a slightly higher turbo output than the mid-tier batteries (like Vapcell Gold G53s). I haven’t tested this yet, though.

As for the dm11, if Hank locates 2000k b35am’s, I’ll buy one instantly. Otherwise I’ll pass. I have enough 2700k lights already.

Yep. 2000k(or lower), please.

So, firmware-wise, can you get the 2 channel driver to mimic single-channel behavior, and essentially just have an 18A CC driver?

I was just thinking of ordering a KR4 with 4x W1s (for funsies), and asking for either the 60% FET firmware, or the 219c 80% FET firmware, trying to hit 4.5-5A per LED with either a P26A or 30Q.

This would be easier and possibly have better sustained output with less heat.

But I don't want to have to mess with ramping/switching between 2 identical channels. I'd want it to just act like a single channel light. Can that be done?

Has anyone tried getting a dual channel light with all four emitters the same? Something at least moderately throwy like xpl hi, then using a diffusion filter over just one channel. That way you could have a true flood-to-throw control via “tint” ramping. Bonus for no weirdly tinted beams (like my 219b sw35 / w2 mix, which I expected to be weird looking on tint ramping).

On all my tint-ramping anduril lights, once you set the tint it stays there until you change it, so in that respect, once set it behaves like a normal light.

I’m not sure all of the behaviors you are referring to, though. Obviously some behaviors such as moonlight mode output will be different, unless that’s been patched.

It comes by default with the tint ramp at 50/50 so all four emitters would be on equally. As long as you don’t 3H from on you’ll never notice it’s a 2-channel light. With that said, it’s still not EXACTLY like a single-channel light because that 3H functionality will be different. Probably close enough though.

Dm11 green with sft40 arrived today. Awesome so far, I like the spill. It doesn’t have a defined cutoff vs the kr1 with W2.

Soft spill tapering along with relatively larger and smoother hotspots is why I love TIR throwers. I wish we could find the source to the Acebeam L19s optic. That TIR with an SFT40 would be gold imo.

Same light here i compared it to my SMO M21B it’s really just the difference between TIR/Reflector mostly. The M21B beam does have small rings around the hotspot, the DM 11 is more compact.
DM11 for the win.

As someone living in Sweden, I fully agree with this. Many times I’ve wanted to buy a Hank light, but didn’t since the handling fees when buying a single light are just too high (hard to justify). It’s not the VAT that’s the issue, it’s our national postal service that takes it’s unfair share (plus I have to drive to a different city to pick it up instead of mailbox). We’re talking average roughly 20% increase for a single light, just in handling fees. So I have to make a list of lights/parts I want/need anyway and spend like 200 USD in one go to make it less ‘painfull’. If that can be avoided by adopting a different shipping company, IOSS registration or something completely different, I’m all for it.

For me as a swede, the fees are the small problem. The huge issue is the time our tolling dept is taking confiscating our packages. They vanish from tracking for several weeks. I have a couple of hanks on the way, since October. Stuck in Sweden, somewhere. I just have to wait for an uncertain amount of time for them to send me a toll invoice of 10 USD before they release the hostage again.

That makes good sense. Yes, intended use is to use turbo momentarily and on occasion, with other modes in majority use. Sounds like HIGH (just below turbo) may be just as bright or more than turbo for SST20 and SFT40 with same optic arrangement.

Would it be feasible for Hank to source batteries from Queens Batteries and include an option to purchase a 26800 battery with a light?

Nope. He did, but sales suffered because of regulations. Some lights got caught with batteries so I heard he stopped doing that.