Emisar D3AA is available now

If anyone was supposed to answer questions or otherwise be responsible for the software provided with the light , it would be the manufacturer and/ or the dealer/seller who decided to use this free software in their products and who sold the products to the end user.

The person who writes the code has no direct business relationship with the buyer and doesn’t have to answer their questions addressed directly to them.

If there are any issues with the software, the buyer should address his concerns to the seller.
It would then be up to the seller/manufacturer to take that up with the programmer, if they choose to do so.

The forum provides an opportunity to ask the programmer directly, but this doesn’t mean the programmer is obligated to respond.

Few people know this but the real reason maglite switched to LED is because Thomas Edison died and stopped supporting it.


wow… trolls, white knights and mystical elves, this thread has it all!

Speaking of LoTR did anyone catch the Zoom reunion of the movie cast? very cool

I used to read the Lord of The Rings, 3 volumes, just about straight through, in under a week, and of course The Hobbit. Also read Bored of The Rings featuring Frito and GoodGulf, and of course the beautiful Elvin maidens...

So after TK came up with all these weird names, I had to go with something from Tolkein, and Narsil was bout perfect - great sword with some shortcomings (ok, it was broken in pieces...). TK actually asked my permission to use the name Anduril, created from the chards of Narsil - again about perfect, so of course I agreed happily with the fair maiden.

It would be one thing if you donated or sent TK a sum of money to appreciate the work that is done. But all of us forum members see the amount of work she puts out. I respect anyone who donates that amount of time to the community. I don’t think it is fair to expect a response from someone who donates their time to the community. I personally donate a small sum of money to TK when I need a response and she always comes through. I know she doesn’t expect that, but I would never get angry unless I donated a big sum of money and never received a response.

Hank have you made a decision on the clip design?

The clip design is not finalized yet, we are still working on it.
Just added the XP-L HI T6 8B tint option for the KR1.

So if we had a basic 3-mode, low-medium-high, with a hidden strobe, would that be about right for “Sting”? :stuck_out_tongue:

Formally speaking, obligations to a customer are based on what is agreed during the sale. You didn’t buy a product from Toykeeper, you bought it from International Outdoor, and I’m certain they don’t and clearly can not afford to offer the same level of support on a light that costs less than $100 as on a $20,000+ car. Yet even the car dealer would expect you to go through their normal service channels, during their stated working hours. They would not put you in contact with the engineers who programmed the software in the car.

As far as threading, personally I would also prefer separate threads for each model, but it’s not a big deal.

I don’t know whether it was a difference or not. I hope not. Regardless, you brought it up in a public thread, thereby getting the rest of the community involved.

Toykeeper has contributed a lot to this community, mainly out of shared interest. In meager return, many of us make an effort to answer technical questions about the firmware when we can in order to save her the time. Hopefully she’ll excuse us also for being frustrated on her behalf in response what sounded like a criticism.

I recommend you to continue asking questions that may arise in the public threads. Also, in case you don’t already, try using the search function to see if the question has already been asked and answered by others. And enjoy your K1!

I don’t agree with this one. Donation is not a contract. It’s meant to show appreciation rather than to buy the beneficiary’s time.
If you hired her - that would indeed be a different thing.

Have been meaning to read that. I’ve seen a bunch of quotes from the book, and they’re always fantastic. But unfortunately, the only rings I’ve had a chance to get bored of are the rings in poorly-focused beams! :smiley:

It seemed like an obvious choice for what I was making, and a way to pay respects to you and your work. I didn’t want to steal the name though, or intrude on claimed territory… so I asked. I’m glad you said yes — it saved us all from ridiculous flashlight-pasta names like “Sparketti”, “Luxagna”, “FETuccine”, “Candellini”, or “Rampicelli”.

It seems like Hank has been getting into naming too. The KR4 is “Quinta”, and the KR1 is “Finca”. They appear to be Spanish — Quinta is a large house in the country or on the outskirts of town. Finca is a country estate, or a ranch.

I’ve read that years ago….amusing at times but not really worth it for me.

Rampicelli made me laugh :smiley:
These would be nice names :innocent:

“Quinta” is also portuguese and, besides the same meaning in spanish, also means 5th (in the feminin form; “quinto” is the masculin form), in the ordinal numbers. It is represented as 5ª (or 5º).
We say “a quinta sinfonia de Beethoven” (the 5th symphony of Beethoven), “a 5ª avenida” (the 5th Avenue).

“Finca”, also means something (props or beams) used to shore up/prop up something, to underpin !


I’m ok with KR4 5ª :slight_smile:

FETuccini…… im cracking up over here.

My K1 SBT90.2 ARRIVED at 830 this morning on my 60th Birthday. I am old. Got confused for a moment and thought yesterday was my Birthday.

I have a lot to be grateful for.


Mine came too! I think... Yep, I'm 62, but young - it's all relative...

Saw the tracking notice of delivered, but at work now. I got a couple Ali orders from Apr 23rd with no updates for a month now, so this one could have been easily worse.

This is fantastic.

Next good looking flashlight from Hank could be “El Guapo.” :partying_face: It might need to have 3 emitters (remember the 3 Amigos?)

What are your thoughts of it compared to the NI40?

My bet:

Quality is excellent, better than NI40
Finish is excellent, better than NI40
Output is excellent, better than NI40
Beam is excellent, better than NI40
UI is excellent, but complicated. Some people like easy UI’s

Please correct me if i’m wrong