Emisar D4V2 Flash Kit Instructions (Official How To)

Thank you! And for Nichia - one with *219, right?

Sadly this isn’t working for me. Using a 15” MacBook Pro running Catalina 10.15.7, Terminal now using as default bin/zsh.
I’ve followed all the steps, where I try to launch Avrdude via terminal it returns – zsh: bad CPU type in executable: avrdude
It gives a ‘bad CPU type in executable’ return even if I reset to bin/bash or temporarily set to bin/bash.
I’m rather a novice to dabbling in Terminal despite having used macs since the late 90s.

Any help appreciated as I’m trying to avoid having to download Xcode which is now 11.3GB overweight!!!

In all seriousness, a Raspberry Pi (I used a 3B+ but earlier models should also work) is entirely headache-free.

Headache free if I had a Raspberry Pi, an external display, a USB keyboard and a USB mouse.

I have iMacs and Powerbook Pros only, less of a headache to use the resources I currently have rather than leap into Pi for this single purpose.

I have since installed Xcode and will go that route seeing as Brewster’s method is not working on the current iOS. With all the resource files downloaded, Xcode was a whopping 18GB!!! That’s quite a fat app.

You don’t need a Pi or xcode. Just download an Ubuntu live image and boot from it - either your real computer or in a virtual machine.

Definitely true for compilation ... does it work for actually flashing firmware as well?

BTW, if anyone does want to go the Raspberry Pi route, a keyboard is only needed to do the initial setup (and you can use a HDMI-capable TV as a display) ... once the Pi is on the network and has a known IP, then you can ssh in from the laptop or desktop of your choice, as the universe intended.

You can forward the USB device to the virtual machine and flashing will work fine.

Hi all,

Thanks to all who posted these very detailed instructions.

I've just bought an Emisar D4v2 (my first Anduril flashlight) and I'm very pleased with this UI. I learnt about Anduril 2 only after placing my order, too bad I haven't ordered the flashing kit at the same time, I'll have to place a separate order.

I like Anduril so much that I might well buy only Anduril-equipped flashlights in the future. And because I don't want to have to use a soldering iron for future UI upgrades, I'm wondering: are there any other flashlights – apart from Emisar and Noctigon – which have similar reflashing pads compatible with the kit?

Some other Anduril flashlights can be programmed using a SOIC clip.

List of Anduril flashlights:

Thanks TimMc, but after searching what a SOIC clip is, I still have some questions about it:

  • Are there different models of such clips, or are they all the same hence usable for all the "other Anduril flashlights" you have mentionned?
  • Can it be used directly on the pill without de-soldering?
  • Do the reflashing instructions in this thread apply, whatever model of kit or clip used?
  • A picture of such a clip installed on a flashlight pill would be welcome

OTOH, my initial question remains, i.e. in other words: "Is the intl-outdoor kit usable only on their own flashlights"?

Some background. I have a Sofirn SC31 Pro with Anduril and recently purchased a BLF LT1 with Anduril. I’m fairly new :blush:

It would be nice if more manufacturers had programming pads like Emisar.

I think there may other types of SOIC clips (e.g. 16).

SOIC8 clips might not be usable on all “other Anduril flashlights”. It may depend on the MCU used.

It depends on the flashlight. You might need to desolder some wires to get access to the side of the pill with the MCU.

I’m not sure. There are other guides here:

No pic, but some photos with pins labeled:

Not sure. We might need someone to help add that info to the Master List if other manufacturers follow suit.

Thanks once more TimMc for this quick and detailed answer. I will check the links you have mentionned.

This is precisely the next light I’m considering to buy, but only once/if it becomes available with a warmer, higher CRI LED.

I would also be able to upgrade it to Anduril 2 and future versions, hence my questions.

Some people have bought a SC31 Pro and then swapped the emitter with something nicer.

Tom E took some photos of inside the SC31 Pro head:

And how to remove the bezel:

It might be worth discussing on a Sofirn SC31 Pro thread too:

Hey Guys

How do I find out what the latest update contains? for e.g muggle mode issues being sorted out?



It’s possible, but you’d need to remove the bezel with force and desolder some wires to poke the board down and get access to the MCU.

Sofirn haven’t made it easy to reflash the SC31 Pro.

More details:

Could someone confirm if my understanding is correct -

From the Flashlight Firmware Repository, if I want to get the latest firmware for Anduril I simply download the tarball for rev 490 (as of Nov 2020), using the ‘make’ command via Avrdude that will produce the most recent firmware as .hex files for FW3A, D4V2, KR4 etc?

I know it’s rather a newbie question, coding isn’t my background although I’m now a day into learning C in order to get my head around the code structure.

Thanks in advance.

I think the canonical way is to run `ToyKeeper/spaghetti-monster/anduril/build-all.sh`. It’ll produce one hex file per “cfg-” file in that same directory.

Thank you very much!

Haven’t updated my d4v2 since the muggle mode issue but thought it’s good to know what the latest updates are!

I guess all of Hank’s lights are ones you can use pogo pin with?
