Got the Texas Ace driver with NarsilM from Lexel. Now this light is finally everything I wanted!

Anyone have the numbers how many Watts this flashlight is at turbo with the original driver powered by the Samsung 30Q cells?

Anyone have the numbers for the TA driver with NarsilM?

Guess it gets really hot fast on turbo with the TA driver?

How many lumens does MF01 + TA driver push?

Got a significant output boost with the TA driver. Switched from 24AWG to 22AWG and got

Stock: 8342 lm
TA: 13065 lm

Stock: 7939 lm
TA: 11229 lm

That is very significant! I’m sure that the leds are fine with it (620lm/led is nothing worrying), but how does the body handle that extra heat?

The head gets burning hot very fast. Very comparable to the D4 as a hand warmer, but doesn’t step down as fast.

edit: on mine the thermal throttle doesn’t seem to activate very easily. I asked for 60°C limit from Lexel. I ran it at 3000 lumens for a long while and the head got to 75°C, body to 62°C and it hadn’t stepped down yet.

Very nice !

What batteries are you using ?

That was with VTC5A.

It would be interesting to know how big the difference would be using VTC6 and GA (compared with VTC5A). In short: how many lumens would I sacrifice for longer runtime?

How much and how hard is to do this mod?

I think the driver is about $25 and then it’s just installing it. Soldering led and switch wires.

Yea…. I’m that person who can even f’s up the regular screwing. Forget about soldering lol!
Need to find someone near me to help me out on it…

It was very simple just like JasonWW said. Unfortunately my screw locations on the MF01 body weren’t exactly the same as on the driver board so I had to drill the board holes a bit bigger. Also, like an idiot, I just ripped the switch wires out without looking and soldered a wrong one in first.

Thanks buddy!

Just found my Nichia MF-01 in the mailbox. With all the excitement of the two Q8s i received a few days back, i almost completely forgot about this one! :person_facepalming:

So far all looks good. Tint is beautiful. In plain daylight it looks exactly like sunlight.

Did anybody confirm the second batch Nichias are high CRI too?

Although the carrier looks well made, i’m a bit uncomfortable with the tiny space between the + and - poles on each side…

Hello! Today came to me a flashlight with a damaged button :cry:

I do not know how to upload a photo here, I had to put it on a google disk:


Just did a ceiling bounce test with my luxmeter and several lights to compare to, and i don’t get more then 7800 lumen!
I was expecting at least 10k with Nichia…
That’s with freshly charged 30Qs.

Very disappointing. :frowning:

NB: maybe my setup is not very good for very floody lights and i measure less then the real output…

That seems normal. I got 8290 at 0s and 7560 at 30s from mine when it was stock. 13065 - 11229 lm with the TA driver.

Was that with first or second batch?

Unless i’m more confused then i care to admit, my understanding was this light would produce around 10k or slightly less with Nichia - and close to 12k with XPG3. Under 8k is not ‘normal’ in my book then.

Edit: if i can get confirmation the Nichia are 90 CRI that would make the pill easier to swallow…

Yeah I get that it will be less with Nichia, but 4K less?! That’s too much.

Yes that’s a fact with this light. 8k is normal with Nichia it’s a good deal lower than the XP-G3s. It could be as bright, but it isn’t and their claims are still inaccurate/baseless. I can’t fault you for being disappointed that the numbers don’t match the claims.

edit: I like my light, but I got it at a fairly discounted price and am satisfied with what I’ve gotten in return. It feels very quality in the hand and is still my brightest light with an amazing tint + high CRI. I just wish the manufacturer took more pride in having accurate information listed instead of the strange lumen numbers they are using for the 219C.