Exclusive sample with BG now.

now the only thing we need is the coupon :beer:

Sidetrack a little. HT35 in silver.

credit goes to its respective owner.

ok first the picture is not your usual standard :stuck_out_tongue:
second does the silver similar to other silver haikelite? look different but could be the picture.

I'm interested. Black in neutral white if it needs to be said now.

List updated.

I’m interested if the price is adequate. Black, cold white and SMO reflector.

oh just noticed that is not your picture freeme :smiley:

I am interested depending on the final price :+1:

Coming soon to Banggood!

Almost there.

Credit to 無淚之傷

credit to 无泪之殇

Man about time! thanks for this. I have been asking for side by side with MT07.

This is disappointing. Seems like it's longer than the MT07 by 2mm, which already is too long. With reducing the head diameter by 20 mm, there's no good reason to keep the reflector and head the same length. Longer reflectors do not increase throw - only width does, and a narrow reflector means a narrower spill, and that's about it.

I could have sworn they used to have it listed shorter than the MT07 by about 10 mm.

Please take me off the interest list. Thanks!

im abit shock about the beam shots.

I would of thought the hot spot on MT07 should be much brighter since larger reflector (more throw) but from this picture it seems less brighter than MT07S

maybe the person took the shot had the camera on auto exposure? :stuck_out_tongue: lol

Looks like a Doberman next to a Rottweiler. Same family, different girth.

Used fixed camera parameters

The bigger MT07 is much brighter - what are you looking at? Their hot spots should be about the same - both are rated at 750 meters, so I have no clue what's goin on. The 20 mm taken off of the diameter is somewhat made up for with the SMO reflector vs. OP.

Of course we don't know what the I.D. is of the SMO in the MT07S, so dunno for sure.

I'm ordering a SMO for the MT07 right now - HK quoted me $15.

The person is a nice flashlight enthusiastic fan in china, he is good at outdoor beamshot. MT07S is brighter than MT07 indeed. 07S comes with SMO reflector.

oops my bad i didnt realised MT07S is smooth reflector :stuck_out_tongue:

ok im going to sleep as it is 2am now in Aus otherwise i will see flying torches hahaha