Estimated review date of the Nitecore EA41?

I cannot read German well enough to create an account here to see these images. Is anyone able to access the pictures in this thread?

Spanish Nitecore EA41 Pioneer XM-L2, 960 lumens 4AA - ForoLinternas - Foro sobre linternas y tecnología LED

Oh cool thank you…

Translated to english for those interested.

Would seem that the pics show up for this review even if you don’t have an account, and it’s in English:

Also has a link to a video review

Review by Bigmac_79


The D40 oozes quality and refinement. It is one of the best if not the best built flashlight I have. Honestly though, if you can’t wait reviews or need it now, go for the D40. You will not regret it. However, if you can wait a bit and have SB or someone trusted review the E41, it might be worth the wait.

Just a couple posts down-