EV Car Explodes in a Garage

I’m not aware of any BEV manufacturer using cells significantly different than those we use in flashlights. While in really hot conditions, a car might get up above 60 Celsius, the batteries are often abuse tested at over 100 Celsius (Samsung 30Q, for example, fails at around 140 Celsius).

Makes sense to me. I doubt this was heat related. It could very well become the media narrative that it was, though.

Did the owner switch off & leave it for 15 minutes?

Sorry, probly to soon.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …. Heavens… are you saying the MSM might ‘misrepresent’ something & put their own spin on it?? . :person_facepalming:

Who woulda thunk it…… :open_mouth:
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Seriously… your exactly right cabfrank. :beer:


After reading through that article, and a lot of the comments, and glancing at headlines of other articles on that site, I can confirm that there are, in fact, stupid people in this world. :person_facepalming:

Yep… it is definitely over now…. except the ‘splanin’ why someone has to try to do. Probably Fire Marshall, Insurance, & Car manufacturer. In that order…. :wink:

Four things I can deduct from this picture linked to in the OP…

  • 1. Nice Rollback
  • 2. That car could be bought real cheap
  • 3. The garage needs no further ventilation
  • 4. Thankfully it appears the rest of the home was mostly undamaged. Kudos to the fast working firemen…… :beer:

Man, that’s crazy and frightening at the same time. Not plugged in, just sitting, starts to smoke,….BOOM!

That's very interesting, I would have figured the li-ion battery would vent rather than straight up explode. Then again a fast enough vent would just be an explosion.



They got pictures: Li-ion batteries blow up because they breed nanowire crystals • The Register

Wait…what the fk happened to the roof……

I imagine it burned.

^ That’d be my guess

Mine too.

I tell people all the time that batteries are stored energy just like a can of gasoline. If mistreated, abused or neglected… boom happens. In Li-ion batts it is very dense energy. For an explosive venting occurrence, Willy Lumplump at the EV car factory is looking for a new job, I’d imagine, unless he’s already suffered his own li-ion fate.