FastTech Convoy S3 (EDC 18650 in Disguise) Thoughts?

Beware that the 3400mA cell is rated 3400 down below 3.0v (to 2.5v?) where you won't get to use that capacity in a flashlight (single cell with a typical driver). See HKJ's review (he discharge tests to 3.0v) - look at the chart for capacity at 1A draw -> 3,197mAh. Now take 3,197mAh/1050mA and you get 3.04hrs use. EDIT: Sorry, I forgot you wanted runtime at 5% (52mA). So therefore 3,197mAh/52mA = 61.5 hours use. This is a rough calculation, but should be close to what you'll see. I think these calculations get further from reality with lower current levels, but I'm not sure. I think 52mA will get you about 20 lumens output.

You can drive an XM-L at any current level below it's "poof" level (5A+ depending on heatsinking); you just aren't getting as high output. See Match's test here and look at the chart for the XM-L. You'll see the XM-L will put out about 392 lumens at 1,000mA.
