The one I linked says actual capacity is 4000mAh. And, they do have protection, like it says in the specs. The drop down and title is a bit confusing, should say protected there.
Yeah, so the 4000 protected are actually a 4000 model (and whatever less capacity that is)?
I would only order TF-26650 5000mAh Flames if I were you, I’m guessing the black ones are fakes and 2800 mAh tested= who needs that, use an 18650 2900mAh panasonic then…
Ordered the ones linked above.
Now what magnets to use for balance charge lead (and best find the charge manual)
Balance charge? If you want to charge more than one at a time, you could charge in parallel. It’s easier if you can find a carrier. You might have to restart the charger if it times out though.
I charge my 26650s separately. I don’t have enough of them (eight) to need to charge in bulk.
I have a set of the black Trustfire 26650s, and they tested at roughly 4000mAh, don’t recall the exact figure.
More I read this site the more I get confused
Would have just bought the first set of batteries that aid 26650 from ebay along with a single cell charger.
Now trying to work out how to use my existing hobby charger to balance all 3 at the same time and trying to work out why I have an option of 3.7 or 4.2 volts when the batteries say 3.7. No doubt missing something obvious but need to find a single concise faq so I can work out how to set up my charger.
I think you are confusing having matched cells in the flashlight (which means testing voltage coming off the charger and using like condition/type and voltage cells in the same light) with charging in one group at the same time (which can be dangerous). You should match the cells, but charging at once is not necessary in the least.
If you got the TF-26650 5000mAh Flames you can charge them individually UP TO 4.2V but not over (Trustfire company’s charger charges them to 4.14V). As for charging them in a group linked with magnets with a hobby charger….I dont really recommend starting out doing that and ask someone else who has one if you want to do that… If instead you charge them one at a time, people charge these at 2A regularly for faster charging (Trustfire company’s charger goes up to 1A, so that would be faster than it is). I wouldn’t start out going over 2A, theoretically 4.2A is 1C but that will at least shorten the life of the battery and could be dangerous. Again, maybe someone has experience charging these batteries with a hobby charger at high amperage, I use the TR-006.
Not even got as far as balance cells in use but it will take 3s and id like to have them all done and ready at same time. Even if that takes a while its better than having to back and forth changing cells/charger
Talk to this guy: Balance Charge 2 to 12 (Any Li-Ion Type) With Magnets Simultaneously--Check This Out! | Candle Power Flashlight Forum!
Or: balance charging 18650's / 26650's
The previous one was the first link on a simple search, forgot it was a different forum
Balance connector for 3 cells are cheap and available from hobbyking I have done this too but the problem is you dont get the capacity from each cell…so I charge them often one by one to check if their capacity changes.
Cheers. Have been hoping about those threads as that’s where I got most of my info so far. Think it was the CP forum that I saw some the the connections the other way round.
I’ll have another look through it to see if I can confirm the details but think ik getting there.
4.2v, 3s, 1a
Well I order 4 cells…unfortunately have found out that 3 cells will not fit in my d33 Archon:(
Not sure why it won’t work as the end screws on just but won’t screw down very far and it won’t light up… Works find with the no brand gold colour batteries that came with it that are a few mm shorter
Is it possible to modify these cells to shorten them? Alternatively anyone recomend some cheap as chips torch to use them in so they don’t go to waste?
If you want a cheap flooder you can find Trustfire J18s for about $55 around, maybe less. If you want really cheap, there are plenty of “1600-1800” lumen single cell (Chinese lumens, divide by 2-2.5) lights around $8-12 on many of the sites and ebay.
Cheers. Was thinking a few realy cheap single cells lights to leave in the cars but the j18 is tempting just for sake of having a light sabre. Mind you the d33 (although meant for diving) is probably all the light ill ever need
Could probably spring to 55 to make use of cells but if it gets picked up by customs comming into the uk…
The TR-J18 is probably my most used light now. I love the wall of light for hiking at night, the size/grip and it lasts long enough with the batteries you bought on a short hike or a return trip on a longer hike (I carry an extra set of batteries and a single cell backup as well as a headlamp).
Looked it up, looks like your light may already be pretty bright if driven hard already and uses KingKongs? No idea about UK customs, I know they seem to lie to Chinese customs all the time when sending things…
Supposed to be 3k lumen and whilst I can’t test it its pretty damn bright and makes my other lights look like key ring freebies lol
No idea what the batteries are and scared to order anything else in case they also don’t fit. Says 4000mah and just gold coloured and came wrapped in paper. Prob make do with them as should last a few dives and can charge over night. Can also use above sea level so prob not worth having another heavy duty light…but 8k…mmmmmm
Found a few 15usd single cell lights on eBay ill prob try (well have 4 cells anyway) whilst I think about getting a j18 if there’s nothing I can do with the cells
Incidentally (and back on topic) I used magnets to balance charge them and they hardly stick to -ve terminals on these TF cells but are fine on the others cells.
The protection PCB on the -ve end is not magnetic, so it does not hold well.
There is a way to remove the protection PCB, but it’s not for the casual modder. I have a How-To in the works but no idea when I’ll get to actually post it.
It’s too bad the light will not work with protected cells. Running unprotected in series is not recommended on long runs. There is a risk of reverse charging if one cell drains before the others.
The gold coloured cells you refer to are probably unprotected KingKong 26650 cells.
Not much choice I guess, that’s why I bought the TFs along with the light
Might have a bash at pulling one to bits to see if I can make it work.