FEELER: FW1A Titanium? FW3A copper/brass? FW21 PRO 3xXHP50.2?

Yeah, I just ordered a KR4 and 8 button top cells to power that beast of an HT70 I’m fixing up, and then this drops. Oh well, ordered a brass and a copper as I had indicated interest. When it rains, it pours

Arrrgh… couldn’t resist… bought the copper with nichia emitters. I’m cut off until next month.

edit: unless a 21700 version in copper with tritium slots pops up.

Ordered a Copper :smiley:

fourth day and fourth flashlight, I have to leave this forum…

Brass coming for me. Ive wanted this one since the beginning!

Ordered a copper, Thanks Martin and Neal

Ordered a brass to compliment my copper.
Had already used up my stimulus check. Now I gotta talk the Mrs outta part of her’s.
(and we haven’t even received them yet. :person_facepalming: )

Ordered a copper, can’t wait till it comes in.

Martin, do you know if the copper and brass will be, or can be available with 7A or 5D emitters please? Waiting to purchase but ideally would like one of these options.

Still no 5D or 7A available unless I’m missing something?
The standard FW3A is available from Neal with these options so not sure why the copper and brass aren’t at the moment.

This is all that’s coming from lumintop,

unless neal will change the leds when he gets this batch ! These are the only options

Oh ok, where have you read that? Martin, can you confirm please?

Direct from lumintop these are the only available leds
I don’t know about anywhere else
Martin or Neal will know more

I know they are at the moment, and thanks for posting the link to Lumintop to show that. But hence why I was asking Martin if they are going to be available, or if he could ask and clarify? I don’t want to place an order now if they’re going to be available soon.

I understand buddy

Personally I think this is it , there is a very limited run , I think 300From what I read on lumintop, Neal is the distribution away from lumintop , so I don’t know the exact numbers I’m just guessing , I read lumintop has 300 , and I don’t think that includes neals batch
As soon as it’s on aliexpress I’m gonna order the nichia, I like aliexpress as it has the payment system I use

I have a plan , super warm nichia , with orange turbo glow!
I’d be happy then

i will ask if there are plans

Vic just told me there is only the 4 type of leds that are available that are on the website lumintop direct
Brass and copper with have the same type of leds as each other

The nichia
The 2 type of xlp
And the sst20

Does neal change leds himself ?

I don’t know if them leds are just for lumintopdirect and aliexpress

And I don’t know if neals batch have different leds

But I’d love to know !

neal does not change LEDs as far as i know

Thanks Martin :slight_smile: