Fenix TK45 clone where is it?

I remember a post about a clone of the Fenix TK45 that used 18650 cells I think. Does anyone know who sells a TK45 clone?

No one makes a true clone with side buttons, there are a few Tri-head’s / tail click’s tho.

Bad news, I deleted the bookmark’s a week ago. Searching for you now. I believe it was a uniquefire if that helps any.

Here’s one I found with a single side switch, still havent found the [better looking all black] tail clicky one.


If you want a real one there is a dude on ebay that has one left in canada (where I got the one I used for pukelight V1) that has it listed for >$100 but if you message him and tell him I sent you and tell him you’ll accept it without factory box and accessories (so he can ship it as cheaply as possible) he’ll let you have it for $85, thats what he did for me anyway. The picture is of it setting next to its box on a hardwood floor / table

I remember this: UniqueFire K107

That’s the one I was looking for.

Good job

I gave away that same light under the Tangsfire brand about a year or so ago. There is a new one I saw recently that had a side clicky as well as a tail clicky. I will see if I can find it again and post the link.

Here is a link to the review I did of the one I gave away.

Heheh...well, that was easy to find and it's less than $15! Zhishunjia P5

I have this last one (diferent brand). Throws quite well with three nice white xp-e, no blue or green.
Plastic reflectors and pulls nearly 2amps on tailcap.
Pills are 3mm tall threaded and hollow with no thermal grease.
Have not finished yet because don’t know how to ad more heatsink.