Hey Brad (ILF) bloody awesome light, it is a monster with massive every thing, i liked the photo's gives me a ruff idea of the beam pattern compared to my 5 x Q5's, 3 & 5 x XML lights and it is good to see a picture of the TK70 next to a bloke as other in hand shots seam to be skinny Asian ladies, nice looking small hands but they make the light look even bigger.
But i have a question, don't take this the wrong way as Ive always wanted a TK70 but the price was more then i could swallow and i don't want to upset you as you will hit me over the head with your new beast. Any way remember our TR-1200 thread ?
You made that comment about the TR-1200 and posted some nice pictures with it, now since I'm trying to talk my self out of owning a TK70 or putting it on the buying list, going from your measurements they are on par with throw. Of coarse the TK70 will be brighter, better built and have more flood but the Q5 emitter is an actual good thrower for little lumen's.
I ask you cause i know would will give me a honest answer will this out throw your 400 + yard thrower the TR-1200, i know the TK70 will be 1000 x better built and finished by a better brand name and looks nicer and will put out much more light in general and more flood, but will the TK70 hit the claimed 720 meters of throw and i mean usable throw not just as far as the beam will shine ? (or reflecting of a street sign but you cant make any objects out i have lights that will do this 900 meters away but usable throw is 1/3)
Goinggear range test was around 400 yards, but it was not that special maybe bad weather conditions and maybe i have cleaner air over here but have poorer eye sight, but Ive tested a couple of lights and claim less usable throw and distance then Marshal from goinggear.
So going from a few sources on the net the TR-1200 should be on par for throw as in distance, but yes different kind of light, different, spill, different tint and different price.
Here is the TR-1200 thread in case you forgot.
On another note i never post beam shots because my camera will not take them no matter what i do, beam shots, current draw and range testing i really hate posting.
Keep up the good work Brad. i would get band on CPF for this post, trustfire compared to a fenix, this is why this is such a great place, with good people.
P,s no disrespect to Marshal from goinggear as he is just awesome i would swap my life for his and he does great work and his service and on line shop is great and i hold no grudge for being band from posting on his you tube video,s.