Thanks djozz
So 5.5 amps should do the trick then being as 11 amps is what I have seen mostly what people use in 6v config.
btw this is not for a flashlight set up but automotive use, and will have proper fan assisted heatsink cooler.
Thanks djozz
So 5.5 amps should do the trick then being as 11 amps is what I have seen mostly what people use in 6v config.
btw this is not for a flashlight set up but automotive use, and will have proper fan assisted heatsink cooler.
There is a consideration: 11A (or 5,5A at 12V) is already very hard driven, the official maximum drive current is 4.8A at 6V. What we test over here does not include longterm effects, we simply do not care much about that because 1 year later a new better led appears and the old is forgotten or replaced. But it may be something to consider in what you are building. (or not :party: )
They are going to be main beam headlights so will only be on for very short periods… I will prob run them at less than 11A though maybe 8 or 9
I needed to confirm the 5.5A part so when I’m testing etc I had a figure to set myself as a max.
Thanks for your help.
Just put a xhp70.2 p2 3b from kaidomain in my L6 with a TA driver running narsil from Lexel.
It pulls 18 amps at startup from a couple of liitokala 26650.
Holy shit! It gets hot about as fast as my S41 haha
Sadly i dont have any way to measure lumens, but from you other ppls test i guesstimate it should be over 8k otf lumens am i right?
It certainly looks like it :sunglasses:
I run my XHP70 at 12A 6V, you will definitely be fine at 5.5A 12V if you have a good cooler on it, like a mid/high end computer CPU cooler.
Remember to use good thermal paste (I recommend MX-4) and screw the PCB securely to the cooler in some day.
Nearly 100W of heat will need be dissipated.
Thanks Enderman.
Will be using 4 of these Redirect Notice
2 will be used for 2 XHP70.2 other 2 will be used for 2 CREE CXA 1850 arrays.
Looks good.
I installed an XHP70.2 N4 5700K on a maxtoch 32mm (mtnelectronics) in my chimera. Downsized the wires to 22 awg and used a few extra inches of wire to add a little extra resistance and eliminated one of the 22 awg jumpers on the tailboard. With 2s4p ncr18650b powering the TA srk driver from Lexel all I can say is “WOW!”, even looking at the beam on the white wall in the middle of the afternoon. I made the mistake of looking at the beam on the wall a little too long and had artifacts in my field of vision for several minutes. Not too fond of the yellowish corona but otherwise it’s a nice beam. I guess I need to cobble together a fixture to measure the output.
Looking forward to seeing the output after it gets really dark outside.
just sliced the dome of a xhp70.2, but found only 2 of the 4 led are turning on, not sure what went wrong. anyone with same experience?
Low voltage?
Hey guys,
Fasttech has XHP70.2 N4 3A in stock.
3A is the best tint i.m.o.
Has anyone done a current / output graph on the XHP70.2??? Have a link? Thanks!
Djozz tested one but never posted the results as he was getting slightly different results then TomE and some others IIRC.
From what he said it sounds like it pretty much mimics the XP-L2 in the curve though, which makes sense, it is 4 of them put together. So you should be able to roughly look at the XP-L2 and multiply it by 4x.
Yes, as usual I tested one led, and it had its maximum first at 12A and then I reflowed and mounted the same led again more carefully and its maximum was 12.5A. But both Tom and Kawi (in their flashlight builds) reported an output increase when going from 15A to 20A, so that made me doubt about my led and/or my test set-up for these extreme high power leds. Unfortunately these leds are costly so I had no spare one to sacrifice.
If I post my test results they will have to be accompanied by this consideration but usually my graphs are used without the story so until I sorted out where the discrepancy comes from, I rather not post anything at all.
What output would you expect to see from an XHP70.2 in P2 Bin when driven at 5Amps? Thanks!
Rough guess would put around or slightly over 4000 lumens if I had to guess.
Sorry Alex, I’m not at home for the next 8 days (holiday with family in Cornwall, fun in classic cornish weather: lots of rain and wind :party: ) so I have my data not at hand.
Hi all,
Do these emitters display the same nasty color blending issues that XPG3 does? One color (pink usually) in the center with another orange/green color round the edges?
Yes, I have a XHP70.2 P2 1C tint the main beam is has a nice cool white uniform color but the corona has a yellowish tint.
Kind of like this, Credit for the image goes to member wkhchin81
Thanks Alex. I can see the pink around the hot spot there too. Man, I cant remember when I got so picky, but it sure makes things a challenge.