Fireflies E07 problems

I got the same email and a part of me prefers the black over the red since I already got a red E07 2021 version and a navy blue one as well so a black E07X will be my first black anodised E07 type flashlight.

I just received my first Firefly flashlight last week. It’s also an E07. I’m really impressed by the quality. There’s nothing to complain about it.

I just looked at my LED board and compared it with the one of OP. I see a few differences

  • The one that OP posted looks like somebody did some manual soldering. I can’t see that on mine, perfect factory quality
  • In OP’s picture it looks like there’s a potentiometer at the bottom left. I don’t have that. Makes it look more than a prototype than a production unit.
  • OP’s LEDs are dedomed mine are not
  • There’s an additional IC in OP’s picture which I don’t have

Not sure what’s going on there. Since it was bought on ebay, nobody knows the history of the light.

If one wants support, one should always buy from the original manufacturer. Supporting products from other sellers like Ebay can be quite troublesome from a manufacturers point of view as well I think.

I just made a picture of my board

I’ve dealt with Jack’s customer service since he had Enogear, before he started the Fireflies brand. He sometimes does take a long time, days or weeks, to respond. But he does eventually get back to you and I can assure you he is really a good person. Just have some patience. Just keep in mind this flashlight business is just his side gig. It’s more like a hobby/passion for him. We’re lucky we even have someone like Jack making these high quality enthusiasts lights because the flashlight enthusiast market is tiny and not very profitable if at all.

I agree with this sentiment, this is absolutely the way the world works. What you’re saying Jack is guilty of here, is basically that he is providing regular ol’, good ol’ customer service to his repeat customers. Glad we can establish that the man knows how to take care of his repeat customers and that you don’t hear complaints coming from them. But you framed it all in a way that made it an unfair over-simplification. And I do see the irony of accusing you of over-simplifying, then proceeding to over-simplify your point back to you like I’m about to. But It’s required in this case to show why it doesn’t apply to this.

What your saying of Fireflies is like saying that if you go to Vegas, you’ll only get free drinks if you’re a high roller. If someone thought that, then they would be misinformed, no? All players can get free drinks. But you can’t expect the waitress to let you take up a bunch of their time on drink questions when you’re not even playing, much less have a drink order ready for them. I think this is a more accurate over-simplification. OF COURSE if you’re not playing or ordering yet, you can ask the wait-staff questions. But everyone with eyes can see that they are busy AF, so get to it, right? Don’t ask long winding questions that require a long back and forth. Know what you want and get to it as clearly and directly as possible so that if they CAN address your needs, they can do it quickly and move on.

This is what many people that want to get into this hobby don’t care to understand about the hobby. It’s very niche and margins are tight, so with the smaller enthusiast companies, the risk is always massive. These people run so much of it themselves. But many want to come and demand the Labor-Tryant Amazon experience all the way from China from tiny flashlight makers while treating them like an Apple or Luxury Car Maker Service department that has endless resources.

And it doesn’t take a genius to see where it comes. But Hank and Simon are two companies that have decided to indulge the western markets and behave as close to this as possible. Each achieves it in their own ways, but they do make it easier for people to get here and get into the hobby in a “safer feeling” manner. I have been into far more expensive hobbies with WAY higher risks, and even there there was much MUCH more respect for the geniuses that made our community possible. Everything wasn’t reduced to the over-catering of the overly impatient like many want to turn this hobby into.

I just want flashlight companies to push limits and bring us that fire. If you just want customer service more than you want the best lights, then Hanks and Convoys are for you. Hank and Convoy are the easiest enthusiast lights to get into as a beginner. But running around complaining that not everyone else is treating you like that is not what enthusiasts want to spend their day sifting through while we’re here. Fireflies is just too enthusiast for some and thats fine. If you think Hanks & Convoys are enthusiast enough for you, then please do enjoy them. If you need coddling from initial contact and require constant contact and updates after that to “feel good”. Thats out there, by all means enjoy the companies who give you that.

As far as Jack, many will attest that he absolutely takes care of many people every single day. If people don’t know or care to know how things work to get in on his lights which are better than comparable Hanks or Convoys or really any other lights around, then don’t and just keep it moving. But if you actually are a flashlight enthusiast, not just a customer service enthusiast and are ready to move on to truly enlightened lights where real forward-thinking concepts and designs are brought to life, thats what you’ll get with Jack & Fireflies. But there’s a learning cure that requires patience like with everything else. If you don’t have any, then don’t even bother, they ain’t for you. When I was into JDM Cars. I wanted the BEST engine builders and tuners, and the best parts from the best minds. Not the Walmart or Amazon of racing and design. That’s laughable that now if you’re not that, your lights and service just suck and need to be trashed and disrespected publicly, but here we are.

Anyone remember that animated futuristic robot movie Wall-E? Remember how the humans were so coddled and mindless and just expected everything easy and hand-fed to them right away? Well, this is how we will get there, and thats what Hank and Convoy have turned a large portion of this enthusiast market into, for better or worse.

But discerning enthusiasts know that if we didn’t have Fireflies, the enthusiast light market would be WAY less advanced than it is now. And if we ever lost Fireflies, that it would be a sad day for enthusiasts to lose such an innovative and future-minded company. But even so, being lucky enough to have had Fireflies just exist, will in itself have helped to spawn the amazing lights of the future. Because what Jack has already has done, is revolutionary for this place. People not knowing that is why people like me have to come in and set so many wrong records people have nurtured, straight. I do my part to tell people that Fireflies are the ABSOLUTE shit that has set this community on a blazing path upward and forward, but if some don’t care to listen, that ain’t gonna have been on me.

It wasn’t clear from your post. Did you get that long email Jack sent out about Red E07X being limited due to overwhelming orders and breaking down all the options for those that placed an order for one?

Nice, you just never know. Timing is everything sometimes, so good luck.

It’s awesome to hear you are enjoying your lights even though you have found things to take issue with. That speaks to the sheer amazingness of FireflyLite’s. And honestly if you’re an enthusiast, how could you NOT feel that way after having a freakin Nov-Mu and E07x PRO to play with? The lights are second to none, and even though they came out 2 years ago, they have still yet to be duplicated, much less matched or surpassed by anything else on the market.

But there is so much more to it. Fireflies makes amazing lights in the way that Lamborghini makes amazing cars. Does Lamborghini have cars a little more geared to masses or for the less die-hard super car purists? Sure they do. Is that what YOU bought? NOOOO. :sunglasses:

You bought the Lamborghini Aventador and the Murcielago Track Edition from Fireflies. These things are barely street legal and require you to basically know WTF you’re getting yourself into much like these cars. Because if you don’t get it or weren’t expecting such a beast, you’re gonna think it’s all just wrong. Respectfully, that’s what your comment is highlighting. You not being quite clear on what the model you bought is and was there to represent. Which in this case, was all-thrill-no-frill super performance. I find Jack to be the Lamborghini of Flashlight Makers, but I know as an example in this case, it may not be as clear. So let me move to another example that I associate Jack with that others may relate to.

Everyone knows who Honda, and by extension Acura is, right? Well many know them as reliable safe intelligent cars that are great performers with a bit of pep. But what many people don’t know is that Honda started as a racing company through and through. It splashed on the scene as the first Japanese bike company dominating a huge motorcycle racing event (Isle of Man) by sweeping the podium in 1959. Then after having a pretty troubling first year in the Formula 1 circuit, it moved right on to dominating and winning the Formula 1 Grand Prix in it’s sophomore season. To this day Honda continues to be a GIANT in racing, including F1. Anyway, all this is to explain that they worked their way backwards to consumer cars. But the spirit of their engines has always lived on in their cars. They have innovated at every turn and continue to dominate in many areas. A huge accomplishment that literally every super car company today uses in some form or another, is called V-Tech (Variable Valve Timing). This shit was GENIUS AF!! But I digress. Point is, even a giant like Honda can’t escape the negatives of it’s own genius.

Honda has always started with racing engines, then dumbed it down backwards from there for the masses. But the engines themselves, are still packed with awesome tech and high revving innovation that make amazing pound for pound monsters. But in that, there is a problem. One thing that race car fans will know, is that things last a lot less on race cars. Clutches, tires, brakes, suspension, axle’s and even gas, so literally everything. A huge and tragically expensive example of this, is transmissions. Honda has historically had “automatic transmission” issues. Is it because they dont know how to make good transmissions? Not at all, transmissions just take a beating in high revving cars (race cars). Honda does just fine in racing and isn’t hampered by cheaper or faultier transmissions over anyone else, that’s a trait for their consumer cars. And the reason is obvious, like with everything, there are trade-offs.

So now that we get who Honda is at it’s core. A car that was released in VERY limited number in the US like the Integra Type R, starts to make way more sense. Now some people may be like, “Oh I like racing, I want one too”, but very much like with the Fireflies Pro line, you need to know what you’re buying and getting yourself into. Because the E07x and the Nov-Mu are absolutely Jacks “Integra Type R’s” or Nissan’s GT-R, or Mitsubishi’s EVO or Ford’s Saleen, Cobra or Roush or whatever similar example you want to use here. These cars, just like Jacks Pro Line, is designed for the absolute pure enthusiasts.

You to bring it all full circle, you not knowing about why the threads on the tail are not anodized vs the threads at the head side. Is like you being bothered that the Integra Type R didn’t include a vanity mirror or power windows. Literally nobody cares, and if you do, then those just ain’t the cars for you. That simple. The tail threads have been discussed ad nauseam here and on reddit. How is anyone still trying to use the tail cap as a regular access point? It was never designed to be, but people would know if they just jumped from a Hank to this without more context other than, these are badass. Of course they are badass, but there’s huge reasons for it that require your understanding for proper care. This is a principle that is true across all hobbies, especially a the much higher enthusiast realms.

In your case, you bought 2 purposely un anodized tail-cap Typer R super lights, and just had no clue and couldn’t imagine a reasons why it was like that other than shitty work. And since you only own those 2 FF, now you think you are right to proclaim to the world that FF has these same “troubling” threads in all their lights, unfairly painting a company negative simply due to your own ignorance. You are not supposed to use the tail threads except for the clip removal. and if you do use it, you clean them well and replace it carefully. You also aren’t supposed to over grease them so that they are as smooth as possible, they have a purpose. And you have 2 other options, on-board charging, or the perfectly anodized and clean head-side threads. A lot of complaints come from people that wonder why the Type R isn’t more like their more comfortable to operate and maintain daily driver.

Another thing you mentioned and others love to harp on as well, is o-rings. Jack likes his rings exactly the way they are, he makes all his lights have a very close fit. Who hasn’t heard this by now? But people refuse to learn and just behave accordingly now that they know? Everyone wants to spin their tail-caps on super fast like an ogre because they can with other lights, and if it pinches, “how dare it” & “pure trash”? Like you and all these people already know and learned that it’s tighter by design, are people seriously incapable of just slowing down when swapping battery? Jack is just stupid at QC is the only possible conclusion? It’s all surreal to be here as a newbie and be so enamored with this place and Reddit. Only to finally grow up as a flashlight enthusiast and find out that a large part of this place is just dishing out uninformed petulance that is constantly creating false narratives because someone’s feelings got hurt or because they simply refuse to learn from things.

This idea that Jack & Fireflies sucks is an old narrative that people INSIST on keeping alive because it was so acceptable-to for so long. Everyone had their favorite brand and most took delight in the trashing of Fireflies almost as a right of passage when they were struggling as a new company, even though they were dropping unheard-of bangers. Well the joke’s on all of them now. Fireflies is FKN monster at making lights and has already won tons of Championships and taken many crowns wether people like it or not. So to hear many people talk about a proven Titan like Jack & Fireflies the way they do, only serves to make them look ridiculously silly and ignorant simply haven’t gotten the memo yet.

Instead, we constantly have fans of other lights always trying t comment of FF lights posts and create division and sow doubt about the brand. It’s honesty pathetic the attempts is se to elevate their favorite brand when a Fireflies is so heavily praised that it and makes them feel inadequate and defensive about their lights. That right there tells you everything you need to know abnput who sits where. I don’t have to trash Hank lights or Convoys to feel better about my Fireflies, But tons of people DO need to trash Fireflies to feel better about their Hanks or Convoys. It’s beyond hilarious to witness… I swear some=eope will tell you with a straight face that a D4v2 is better than any Fireflies because it has a raised button ring. I SHIT YOU NOT. So basically I’m supposed to believe that Tier 1 flashlight enthusiasts want me to ignore the actual light and performance and just talk about raised rings and threads? I swear man, “Hey buy the Hank instead”, “Yeah but the Fireflies has a Lume 1 driver, amazing LED array, more power, better battery and a far better price”

“Yeah, well the D4v2 has the raised ring which is better for accidental activations”? :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming: Make it make sense!!!

So now Anduril lockout is useless and we all need a dog cones over our flashlight buttons or else it’s over, so just buy a Hank instead? :+1:

This kind of behavior is far too laughable, ass-backwards and asinine for us to let our community descend into such trivialities. So thats why I speak up in times like this and set the record straight when it’s being so poorly kept. Hopefully you don’t take offense to this, I don’t mean any. But honesty, I’m so used to so many fuming after conversions like this, that I wouldn’t be surprised. So either way, I hope you continue to enjoy your lights, and find as much joy in them as many others have. And if you don’t, many would happily take those “troubling” lights off your hands for you. All you have to do is ask. :sunglasses:

I did. It took me probably 5 days to respond because it got caught in my spam filter for some reason. I responded that I would be happy to wait for the new driver but I really preferred the red body. Ivy responded that she was now in charge of sales, and there was no red available.

I did. It took me probably 5 days to respond because it got caught in my spam filter for some reason. I responded that I would be happy to wait for the new driver but I really preferred the red body. Ivy responded that she was now in charge of sales, and there was no red available.

I appreciate you being honest. So you did receive the about 7 paragraph email explaining that there have been tons of sales for the Red E07x and that Jack had to add black anodization to meet demand. In the email he asked who was ok with swapping to black since way more orders came in than the reds he has available. He didn’t say YOU had to give up your red, he asked who would be willing to or preferred black anyway, so that he can offset and balance the orders. You got a full blown explanation and were told about even more upcoming options that you could take advantage of if you wanted to. Maybe you didn’t get an “apology” but didn’t you get a more than sufficient personal notification and explanation of it all for you to choose from and respond to?

Then you said you don’t think any reds are available at all? Based on what exactly do you come to that conclusion and declare it? You’re saying Jack listed the red E07x knowing he didn’t even have any reds available and he was just trolling everybody? C’mon now.

That email was one of the most well-thought out and executed emails I’ve ever seen from a Chinese seller, but somehow it wasn’t good enough because you didn’t even get an apology after you’re the one who didn’t respond to it for 5 days? So it’s Fireflies & Jacks fault or Ivy’s for that matter that your spam-filter caught it and you didn’t get back to them for almost a week? You could VIP any email address to make sure you see any emails from them. Many people mentioned that their recent FF notifications were getting trapped my spam filters. Maybe you missed it, but many others didn’t and payed attention so that can take advantage of their options… I get you didn’t confirm soon enough for a red, and I know the feeling of missing out on the email for days can’t feel good. But you did get the option to wait for the new driver and LED’s right? Is that not a plus for you? Even though you’re in line for one of the best lights ever produced, it’s still all just doom and gloom for you?

So now that we know for sure you were in as much of the loop as we all were, don’t you think your characterization of how it was supposedly handled is an over-reaction to you missing out on the red and this is all or partially a disingenuous pile-on due to that?

I get it, you didn’t get the red you wanted, I didn’t get any E07x’s either and I’ve had to live with not pulling the trigger on it for years. But you were given a choice, no one is saying you NEED to buy black if it’s that much of an issue for you. Ask Jack for a refund and just wait it out then. No need to trash Jack and his service as if it was out just to do a disservice to you. Being this mad over a light you are so excited to receive is ultra confusing, that’s why I wanted to confirm you were looped into it like we all were too.

Well whatever your choice is, I hope you are happy with whichever one you make, and that you are able to get the light you ultimately want for yourself. Keep in mind that the BST on Reddit or here might be somewhere to find one if you prefer to hold-off. I’m sure you won’t be the only one searching tho, so you would have to be pretty diligent and stay on top of it shortly after they start to arrive on peoples doorsteps. Best of luck

Wow… That is a very long essay.

I perfectly understand why they are not anodized. It is because of the clip design. However, this does not change the fact they are poorly machined. Not all bare threads are gritty like the Fireflies I had. I had hoped a second one was better, but no they were not. They are smooth now that I have painstakingly sanded out the rough machining marks in both male and female threads.

I am not painting any unfair negative. I am just sharing my experience and observations. I made clear what lights I bought and where my judgement is coming from. It seems to me that you are the one who are overly enthusiastic and losing objective view of the lights you love. I think your opinions on Fireflies are biased. And because of your biased view, you seem to think that I am attacking the brand. You thought I am proclaiming all Fireflies lights have faulty threads, however I never said them.

Please stop misrepresenting what I have said.

I never go by people’s join dates on the forum since many have been around years longer than the date might indicate, or in the hobby but not on this forum. But from this comment I’m wondering how long you’ve been at this, or where you’re seeing this? Rough recollection but I don’t really think people have espoused that sentiment toward Fireflies over the years, usually quite the contrary, although when bugs or failures or contact/CS issues came up, sure, people talked about those things. If memory serves, it was people here that helped him fix a couple issues on lights that were released but needed some things corrected. You may be a black/white kind of person, or maybe you’re not, but the history on BLF doesn’t seem to suggest a bunch of overt or one-sided negativity for Fireflies. When other brands have the same issues, people have the same discussions, as the things occur. If any of them have caught more flak than others, it might be Lumintop, Olight, and Neal, for various reasons, and maybe Vinh, but Fireflies seems to have stayed in the normal middleground of discussion.

I think this may be hyperbole but……wtf…and examples? And surely you know that some of his ideas and models were not exactly original. That’s true of most nicer or fancy lights over the years…manufacturers often collaborated with enthusiasts or copied what was being accomplished by them.

Ah, now you perfectly understand. Funny how that all works right? And again why are you even trying to use those threads when you already know they aren’t intended for regular use? So you know all this but you still need to complain every chance you see the opportunity to?

So why am I biased about Fireflies? Because I can see that they are clearly better? That makes me biased according to you?

See this is what I mean. People like you come and make declarations while claiming to already have known better, then you say I’m biased without explaining why?

Oh no, how will I ever go on now that a delusional whiner has called me bias? :+1: LOL

Fireflies is just a flashlight brand. I had some good and bad experience with it. I shared my experience with other hobbyists. Now I am being attacked by a believer… Oh well…

Ok, if you don’t know the history of Fireflies, then you have just been updated. I’m not gonna go back and explain it all just because you don’t remember seeing it or just never noticed it.

I already know that when people don’t know something. It naturally has to be made up or a lie and it’s the OTHER person that may not have been paying attention properly. :+1:

But as far as my hyperbolic Championships? Probably too many to list at this point. But I can tell you that the E07x, Nov-Mu, T9R and E12R are all unmatched Championship Trophies. And if the T1R had come out, that would be another one. There still isn’t a T1R beater available anywhere. And those are just the recent ones. Another easy one is just the regular ol’ E07. The E07 is what everyone thinks the D4v2 is. But that’s a conversation for a other day. Plus Jack ushered in the Anduril, AUX, pocket rocket & soda can ultra high CRI monsters as well as 21700 lights.

I remember everyone insisting that Hank didn’t need a 21700 D4v2 and so many excuses were made for Hank not doing it. I remember seeing Hank even called 21700 lights un innovative to throw shade at Jack, when he was asked about 21700 lights. And now look at everyone. They’re all going crazy over Hank finally starting to offer 21700 lights? Ya’ll just too funny and sometimes too delusional to see shit straight. Now I see reviews about how the D4v2 is obsolete. Hank sold thousands of those and now wants to sell ya’ll thousands more of the same light to you but now just with an “un-innovative” 21700 tube as the only difference?

Look man, Ya’ll enjoy your Hanks or whatever your favorite lights are. I love Hanks and think they are great, but he is like a D-Wade trying to be the best SG in the NBA while Kobe was around, just not gonna happen. Wade had the media on his side, but Kobe had the results. So I don’t need to tear Wade down to say Kobe was better in the same way I don’t need to tear Hank down to prove Jacks lights are better. Any simple unbiased comparison does that all by itself, and we can all see the results. Best thing Hank has done in years is add the boost driver. But is that better than Jacks drivers on his top lights? Nope. So I still don’t have enough reason to chose a Hank over a Jack since I actually HAVE been paying attention to both. It don’t bother me many of you choose Hank over Jack, but when I start taking about why I lean the other way, you should see the funny shit that’s starts to happen and the delusional shit that comes out of people’s mouths. So that’s when they get a response that is according. So if you know you know, if not, then your confusion is well understood.

Your ignorance got corrected by a FF fan for mis-representing the lights. That’s all that happened. I just did what you claim you were doing with Fireflies. If you weren’t attacking Fireflies, then how can you now claim I’m attacking you just for breaking things down like you claim to have been doing? :person_facepalming:


If I were Jack, I would not want you cheerleading for me. :slight_smile:

This is absolutely ridiculous. I think you’ve managed to trump this up inside of your own head to a level that has never been seen on BLF…not sure about elsewhere. As to the 21700 thing, I always thought that had more to do with Hank investing in a new platform & design work, but after the cells proved themselves as better than 18650 in almost every way and people kept asking for him to make something, he finally did. If there was any “shade” I must be unaware of that (and I may be). Most of our manufacturers seem pretty jovial with one another when they are rarely caught interacting.

I’m glad - as I said before - that Jack is still around and turning out lights. Despite any shortcomings he’s good to have in our little hobby industry, as are a big handful of others that share the same joy of flashlights. Rather amazed and dismayed at your attempt to corral me into some sort of hater AND fanboy at the same time…craziness.

Your line of logic leaves me speechless.

I’m not trying to corral you into anything. You simply said things that required clearing up.

And I know you don’t know about Hank saying that, but I do and I saw it with my own eyes. I’m just relaying it to you. But like with many people, your just getting mad at me when What you’re really just mad at is the truth. Hank talked his shit so he has to own the shade wether you were aware of it or not. I don’t care, doesn’t hurt me that he said that, he showed his own sentiments on it only to go and do what he already claimed was “uninspired”. Why would I need to make anything up? It’s all out there for anyone to see for themselves, just like Jacks lights being some of the best around. Go test and see if you think I’m just full of shit. You would only be another in a long line of people that took what I said and put it to the test only to come back and say. “Damn, hell yeah you were right, Fireflies are the SHIT”. Even my annoying ass can’t make you miss it. But I guess it just comes down to the type of person you are.

I’m glad you see positives in FF and I never cared to corral you. Now that you know me, you’ll see I just try to correct bullshit and unfair statements in cases exactly like this. If you don’t want to see me, then don’t make uninformed or unfair bullshit statements about Fireflies. Is that really so hard? I don’t go around making shitty statements about Hank just cause I don’t care to buy his lights. And even when I did buy them, they just weren’t always for me. That didn’t mean I could now go and trash Hank to others to feel better. I just moved on to greener pastures. Again, is that really so hard to ask others to do? How unreasonable of me, right?

Looks like all my lojik did was lead you to yet another ad hominem. Genius. :+1: